How to make water pump quieter??


Small Fish
Dec 27, 2011
Hi, I just changed my filter in my pump and it is SOOOO loud that I can't even hear my TV without it being on full blast. Is there anyway that I can make it quieter? It is a Whisper and a hang on. I reallllly need it to quiet down. I already checked and there is no debris, the tank is full to the top. Any advice??


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; If it is a hang on back (hob) then it is likely the impeller assembly causing the noise. This is common and sometimes the impeller has to be repositioned several times. Some filters need to be primed with some water also.


Small Fish
Dec 27, 2011
Hi, I repositioned it many times now and I primed it. Nothing. Still unbearably loud. I'm going to give it a day or so to see if it quiets down because I've heard that sometimes they just need to run for a little while.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I have had a few impeller assemblies wear enough to be noisy. The inside of the plastic tube had enlarged and the metal shaft was actually worn down slightly. In this case the assembly had to be replaced.
I also have had the rubber/silicone ends on the metal shaft come loose or not fit tightly into their sockets allowing the shaft to wobble when in place. Sometimes a thin layer of rubber/ plastic or something over the ends would help hold the impeller assembly in position and reduce the noise.
I have had to take a filter off the tank and hold the body upside down to completely flush the opening where the impeller magnet goes to get all the gunk out. A small brush that fits in the opening can help.
The plastic impeller tube should move freely on the metal shaft. Could a bit of gunk or sticky stuff be coating the shaft??
My current hob filter went thru a period of being noisy. I cleaned and reset the impeller a number of times with little improvement. I had planed to replace the impeller assembly but kept putting it off as there is not a vendor handy and it took a while to find the Foster & Smith outfit that would take a check. For reasons not fully understood the thing got quieter in the meantime on its own. I still have to reset it a few times when the impeller assembly needs cleaning.


Small Fish
Dec 27, 2011
I took everything apart and cleaned it. Nothing's rattling and everything is still connected. I guess I'll have to get a new one if it doesn't quiet down.

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
I have a whisper too, but when mine is noisy, it is fixed by repositioning the filter hang-on clip, or by moving the lid (sometimes it is up against the filter, and I need to reposition it). Mine has never been that noisy for very long. Usually, it rattles when I take the filter cartridge out, and it isn't full of water, while it is filling up, it rattles like crazy. But when I put a new cartridge in, it stops.

Here is a filter that may or may not be mine. Not sure.