How to move tanks.


Large Fish
Apr 6, 2003
New York
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Ok, well I got back from camp and noticed the wood floor to my room in starting to bow in where my 3 tanks I decided why not move them to basement where they will sit on a concrete foundation and not mess up the floors and the ceilings and what not.

So here is my problem...

The tanks are a 20 and 2 10gallons, all with fish or animals and water, now how should I go about this, just draining the tanks down to a few inches of water and than carrying them down 2 flights of stairs, or taking all the fish out in buckets and then draining all the water and most of the decorations in the tanks, and then moving them downstairs?

What would be the easiest in moving wise and what would put the least amount of shock on the fish, I figured I should do this before the cold of winter sets in, in a few months that way I dont have to worry about heat loss.

Any advice would be greatly aprecieted, thanks alot.


Superstar Fish
Aug 13, 2003
well i would first syphon about 3/4 of the water than save that water. and then carry ur tanks to the basement and set them where ever u choose then. use the water that u syphoned out of the tank. pour it back into the tanks and there you go u ahve moved your tank...

hope that helps