How to raise snail babies

Dec 9, 2004
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Hi there,

I've got a betta and two nickel-sized snails in a dual betta hex with an airstone, and there are little snails growing in gelatinous deposits all over the sides of the tank. I'm fine with that, especially considering the fact that I work in a pet store which will take snails from me when they're ready.

My question is, how best to get them to that point? Should I just leave them where they are and see how many survive, or is there a better way? It looks like a few of the gelatinous blobs have already ruptured; but for the most part, I've got a lot of them fertilized and still growing in their tiny bubbles. Any suggestions?

Thanks a lot.

Apr 18, 2004
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are the grown snails the size of an eraser? do they have a football shape shell. if so i dont think the LFS will take them they are pond snails( pest snails). do you know the names of these snails?

i have over 160 baby canna applesnails


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
If you want to grow them, provide them with food (flake or sinking wafers; they'll pretty much eat anything). Do regular water changes to keep it clean for them.

If you have a KH test, you might want to make sure that it's not too low. Snails use calcium in building their shells, and the shells will be weak if there isn't enough in the water. If you need to add some calcium, either add a few teaspoons of rinsed crushed coral to the filter, or put a piece of cuttlefish in the filter (yes, the stuff you give to budgies).


Large Fish
Mar 24, 2004
gainesville, fl
Originally posted by SLO-Dean
if they are pond snails they multiply like crazy, and you don't have to do anything....except add a loach to get rid of them.
hehe, i don't mean to sound critical cuz i know you're just joking, but this is one of my pet peeves...adding a fish to solve snail overpopulation! i see people on this site seriously recommend clown loaches to eat snails in 10 and 20g tanks all the time!


but anyway, most snails i know of that have eggs in those gelatinous blobs don't require much help from your end!