How to tell the genders between a male guppie and a female guppie.

May 7, 2010
I have three guppies two fantails and one normal little yellow. I dont know which ones are boys or which ones are girls. Please help me. My friend said that the fan tails were the males and the yellow one was a female I dont know if he was right.


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2004
Toronto, Canada
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With guppies, if you have at least one male and at least one female, you will have babies, guaranteed. You should have more females than males (2:1 or 3:1, or the males will just keep chasing the females.

On another note:
-The neon needs more of it's kind, at least three, but more would be better.
-What kind of catfish? If it is a cory, it needs more as well, if it is another other kind, it may very well grow too large for the tank very quickly.
-The pleco will be too large for the tank, even a dwarf.
-Please don't tell me that the goldfish are actually in a bowl, they need a tank with filter. One goldfish on it's own needs about a twenty gallon tank....

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