how to work new overflow


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I just got a new overflow the hang-on kind with a u-tube. How do you get the u-tube to suction water to the back part where the water returns to the sump? I can not figure it out. I am wondering if I need something that was not in the box?
I would appreciate any help you could give me.
Thank you very much



Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Send it to me.. hehe..  I will make it work .. actually I am lookin for one of these.. and the ones I seen you start with a air pump.. there should be a little tube to hook a air pump to to create a vacum... although I never had one.. I am only going by what I have seen and read about these units.. where did you get yours? and how much was it? thanks


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Place some water into your overflows, in and out chambers. Now insert an air hose into the u-tube at the highest point in the curve. Draw all the air out so the water fills the tube. You can now start the the pump into sump. When the water pours  into the overflow, it start the flow through the u-tube. If you have a powerhead with an air feed, you can place hose to powerhead and the other to a nipple placed at the top of the u-tube as a permanent setup. This way, you can siphon the air out automatically when the pumps are on and you shouldn't lose the siphon in the tube in a power outtage that way either because the power head will draw al the air out should it lose the siphon. *celebratesmiley*.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Wow.. I was wrong.. (slaps self on face) I see now how that little thingy works.. ;) would make more sense to use vacum on the air line connector then to force more air into it.. Doh.. (I should just shut up sometimes)..hehe But yeah.. I need to get me one of them anyhow.. wanna put a sump on my 20.. I know sump on 20 gallon? whats the point.. But I figure why not.. I want the best for my fishies that I can possibly afford to give them.. also. anyone have a good Idea as to how big of sump I would wanna use on a 20 Gallon FOWLR tank? I would like to have some corals in it someday so if I have to put that into considerations.. thanks.. sorry for bring this topic off topic.. but figured the answer was already here.. so why not make use of whats left.. :)