Hello, I am getting a 50 gallon tank and want to go with an african theme, How would these fish go together?
-Peacpck Cichlid
-Kenyi Cichlid
-Electric yellow cichlid
-Cylindricus Cichlid
-Demasoni Cichlid
-Albino Kribensis Cichlid
-Albino Peacock Cichlid
-Blue Peacock Cichlid
-Buffalo Head Cichlid
-Bumblebee Cichlid
-Caudopunctatus Cichlid
-Peacpck Cichlid
-Kenyi Cichlid
-Electric yellow cichlid
-Cylindricus Cichlid
-Demasoni Cichlid
-Albino Kribensis Cichlid
-Albino Peacock Cichlid
-Blue Peacock Cichlid
-Buffalo Head Cichlid
-Bumblebee Cichlid
-Caudopunctatus Cichlid