Well, this tank is going to be in the living room and needs to be colourful, so the visitors would look at it rather than watch TV .
These fish I don't like: Livebearers, betta splendens. And that's it.
However my mom likes bettas and since she's the one that is going to watch it all the time, she can choose SOME fish (here exact words LOL ). So, how many bettas would you put in? I was thinking 1 male, some females, a school of barbs (which ones?,chinese maybe?) and some algae eaters and some kuhlis. It is going to be SEAsian if my mom doesn't forget about her "decision". LOL!
However,if I do get my hands on puffers (dwarf) I'm getting some of them and make this tank a species tank for them. No matter what she says.