Howdy All!!!

Dec 17, 2006
Waterford Pa.
First let me say, I really love this site. I have posted a few questions, and other members have stepped forward very quickly with some very helpful advice.
I'm a relatively new fish keeper(about 6 months), thanks to the donation of a 20 and 30gal tank by my mother.
I currently have 6 Mollies(Breeding nicely), A pair of Velvet Wag Swordtails(they're producing well also) 2 Clown Loaches(3-3 1/2"), 1 Brown Kolli Loach, 1 Fire Red Grommi, 4 Green Aeneus Corys, and about 200 mollie and swordtail babies. I hopin' to continue to expand in the future(have a 40 gal long in the works).
Again let me thank those who have helped with good advice so far, and heres to hoping that I can return the favor in the future.
Happy fish keeping to all