Howdy Guys

Aug 30, 2003
Floridian Hillbilly
*celebrate Cheers guys.:)
Awe...I'm a wee lil fishy,LOL.

Happy to be here, glad to meet ya...hope to learn all your fishy secrets.....blah blah blah....hope to contribute....yehaw... (has had no sleep yet,is running on koolaid and nicotine,LOL)..... (hugs!):D

Aug 30, 2003
Floridian Hillbilly
This is the second damned time I've posted this.Stupid thing wont work!

Dolly is a Low Content WD.
Tez is a Mid to High Content.
You can not do a blood test and see how many recent wolf genes are in a WD.
Wolves and Dogs have the same genetic make up.

In 1993 wolves and dogs were re-classified as the same species.

Canis.lupus (wolf)
Canis.Fam (dog) abbreviated.

Ahh thank you guys!
You CANT treat wolf dogs like a "normal" dog. "though there's always an exception to the rule!" LOL.
Most times it is recommended you get them before they are even weaned, to start the bonding process, keep in mind, the loyalty for people that is instilled in our "normal" dogs, isnt usually found in wolf dogs. By nature wolves fear humans.
Well through alot of hard work "I mean alot of tears and oh my gosh i cant do this anymore!! :O " you can have a companion that will adore you for the rest of it's life...and you it!.
Higher content wolf dogs require very high fences, over six foot tall, with bottom fencing to prevent digging, "some people have gotten away with less, but I wouldnt recommend it" !. They are escape artists! LOL. You know how you might pop your Golden on the nose with a news paper if he chews your couch up? It is not a good thing to do that with a wolf dog. These sweeties PLOT REVENGE! Trust me folks, they do. I popped the female Dolly,"mind you not hard enough to hurt her, but hard enough she remembered it." :| and she got me back two weeks later. I have heard of wolf dogs waiting months to get revenge when their humans do them "wrong"! LOL. My lord in heaven, there is so much about these beauties, I know im leaving stuff out!Ahh yes, far as I know, the Rabies Vaccination still hasnt been approved for wolves and wolf dogs, most states you see, classify them as wild animals."it does work,I have never heard of them getting it while on shots." "always the exception, even "normal" dogs can get it while on the vaccine"
Stress, stress is a major factor you must keep in mind with these beauties, stress will kill.It does kill. Specially` the higher content. "higher content as in more recent wolf "genes".Even a simple thing as loading into a car can induce stress. :(.
They, in nature poo and pee anywhere they feel like it, and you are very hard pressed to ever "house break" a mid to high content wolf dog.
I would not by any means tell someone to get a wolf dog as a pet.It is hard hard work.And legal issues very commonly arise.If your wolf dog bites a tresspasser on your land,you very well might have to have the animal put down."the rabies thing" But if you have the time, energy and patience..."and are crazy, yes folks, wolf dog we lovers are CRrAaZzZzY!"...and you really want them, can I stop you? I'll get some links together if y'all want, I've found a few good sites about wolf dogs.I do hope this he;lps, there is SOOOOoooooOOoooo much more to say about them, but my poor small mind is smoking now ! LOL.
Oh yeah, the typical wolf dog hello goes something like this....... " WOOF...HOOOOWWWWWLLLLLLLLL......."pushing at your legs by now............WOSHHHH!....clawing at your face....NIP NIP NIP!!!.........lick .........NIP!......"shoulders you so hard you are forced to grab onto anything solid to keep your footing."Then it all starts over again when you return five minutes later.They dont realise we humans dont have tough skin, and are easily knocked over. "or do they!".

Dont get a wolf dog.Get a huskie instead.If you want a wolf dog after you get a huskie, get a LOW content then work your way up.
You HAVE to have a LICENSE.
You dont feed a Wolf KIBBLE.

Wolves and dogs can not digest GRAINS.
Leave that to horses and cattle.:|.

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Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
Visit site
nice to meet you too:) beautiful animals:D

Barney was in a litter that happened between my uncle Ric's dog Queen(huskie) and a wild wolf(well i guess it wasnt too wild if they were feeding him off the porch, but they said he never stuck around after the food was gone, kinda skiddish like) my mom and dad brought him back from Alaska one year when they came home, he was one of the smartest dogs i ever had:D

i didnt know it was illegal to have them...but everyone thought he was a huskie(thats the only way i can think my dad got him through the checkpoint at the airport). hehehe i dont think im as educated on the subject of wolves as you are*thumbsups but im always happy to be enlightend:D

Aug 30, 2003
Floridian Hillbilly
Loach, what an amazing story!
For a WILD wolf to mate with a domestic dog, it is rare.
Not impossible though.
The only reason I am even halfway educated is because I have been studying wolves since childhood.
My first wolf dog was given to me as a child of i guess i was about, 8 or 9.

In some states it isnt illegal to own them.
Yet some counties in legal states forbid them,lol.
I explained this very well when I was trying to post all those pictures, but it didnt take!
Stupid forums,servers.....grrr.

We (the "select") WD breeders and enthusiasts are trying to eventually get the Huskie x Wolf cross turned into a real "breed".
We breed specific wolves and dogs.
For temperment,stature,looks.etc.

We do not get wild wolves to use for breeding.
We use Domestic Wolves.
It takes time and money and loads of patience. (not always with the wolves,people are worse in my opinion.)

It makes me so very angry when people bash our efforts.
It is not cruel to cross a wolf and a dog.
What's cruel to me are the puppy mills alot of pet stores get their puppys from.

There was a case that had some IDIOTIC spazzes, take from some good people their family "wolf"dog.
The "wolf" dog that had spent years with it's family, being as loyal as any soldier to a good cause, and killed him.
They put this creature to sleep because, someone told them it had recent wolf genes.
That Wolf Dog, was your run of the mill, DOG.
It had NO recent wolf genes whatsoever.
Because of a freaking rumour gone out of controll, this baby was killed.:|

People like wolves.
People hate wolves.
I loathe people that hate wolves, not because they hate them for a good reason, but because most of these people have never even seen a wolf.They have no clue as to what they really are.
They only believe what they read in fairy tales.~(or an irate ranchers journal)~

I like to think to myself when these people come knockin`... eh` that's fine, soon my wolves will know the taste of Man-Beef again. *buhahhaa* (some of these people are very bad, AKA......trespassing in order to shoot your wolves)
(just kidding about the man-beef thing,lol.)

(It gives them gas.;)..)

Thanks for complimenting my babies!


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
Visit site
they shoot your wolves?!*ALL* they'd be catching a spear in the @ZZ if they did that at my house!(too broke to own a gun;))

hmmm. you should bring em to hawaii hehehe we have crossbreeds of just about every dog in the world here heh.(idk how, it just happens;)) right now i have two pittbull/chow mix puppies and two full grown pittbull/germanshepard mix dogs. i found that mixed dogs are usually more immune to disease then most pure breeds, and while our dogs have the appearence of pittbulls, they have a much calmer attitude, and are not as aggressive to living things(unless you happen to be carrying a food item:)) however no chew toy i can find can stand up to theyre chewing heheh:D they go through rawhide bones like candy bars and they destroyed the chew bone i made them.(out of nylon cords:eek: )

and as far as feedin your wolves man-beef, just tell em to spit it out after they bite off a chunk hehehe:D

Aug 30, 2003
Floridian Hillbilly
"Pure Bred" is a fancy term for INBRED.
It is the truth, dont deny it guys,LOL.
Through the ages we have bred and inbred wolves and other wild dogs to get our domestic "pure breeds".
This is one reason we have so many genetic defects.

We bred small dogs to small dogs, we bred mother to son,father to daughter.Yadda yadda.

Im not bashing pure breeds, I've had many pure breeds.:p.
I have one right now,lol.

No one has shot my wolf dogs.
But there have been several cases of idiots doing it to other breeders/rescuers.People are shit heads,plain and simple.
BTW, wolf dogs arent legal in Hawaii *cry*

Aug 30, 2003
Floridian Hillbilly
I've always given my babies raw bones to play with.
Chicken bones are alright to feed to your dogs as long as they are RAW.
(dont bother to try and dispute this with me, it wont sway me or my "preaching",LOL.)
I feed my wolf dogs whole feathered chickens.
My pom and cat eat raw chicken,beef,fish.etc.
Later this year I hope to get a local to bag a deer for me.
Thats enough meat to feed them for a long time.:).
The BARF diet is what some of us call it.:)(Bones and Raw Foods)


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
Visit site
hehehe BARF diet:D i know what you mean about inbreds, alot of puppy mills are finaly getting shut down because theyve been finding dogs in substandard housing, usually malnourished and sick. i was pissed earlier this week cause this OBVIOUS mill owner got back a bunch of her dogs in court and was flaunting it all over the news. i loathe these people. to treat animals like that for money sickens me also.

gotta end it with a smiley:D

Aug 30, 2003
Floridian Hillbilly
Man tell me about it.
They keep their dogs in pens that arent safe for chickens, and have several dogs smashed in there too!
They live in filth,eating their own feces,dying of thirst and hunger....arent vaccinated,bitches are bred so many times they die of exaustion.It's horrible.
Man....wanna know something SICK?
Do a search on what really goes into doggy kibble.
Alot of brands (name brands as well) have the remains of peoples PETS.
Now I'm all for feeding your dogs/cats meat, but.....not only is that SICK , it isnt safe either.
The chemicals they use when they euthanize cats/dogs/birds,etc. Fails to break down in the "boiling" process.
The animals carcasses are covered in maggots,thousands upon thousands of dead cats/dogs...they even found a dead elephant in one plant!
All rotting and absolutely tummy turning before they cook them down and package them as. "Premium Dog Food".
I'm not lying.That's the Gods honest truth.
I am not bashing all kibble, just the bad ones.:D.
End result, allergies as well as alot of other health problems.