
Jul 11, 2007
Hi, I'm Stacie. Unfortunatley, I don't have any fish at the moment but have raised some generations of convicts many years ago.

Right now I have fell in love with the little green spotted puffer fish like on your front page here. I know they are brackish water after looking them up on the internet. I am trying to convince my boyfriend to get just one. I don't know if they do better in pairs or not. I do know they are fin-nippers. Mainly because they like to eat? I know if they don't get some food such as snails, clams, etc. they will die because their teeth will overgrow and they cannot eat anymore. I saw these fish in wal-mart and I know they probably will die.:( I asked the lady about them and she admitted they were brackish, but they didn't carry the salt and whatnot to care for these adorable fish. I just feel sad because I want to get one and save it and love it! If anyone could give me more info about these I'd appriciate it.

Thank you very much, and I look forward to meeting ya'll.

Stacie in Georgia