
Hi, I'm From Bristol Vermont my first name is Heath. I'm fairly new to fishtanks I had one when i was like 8-9, then the fish started to die off...(My mom.... i think she didn't like them). Last year i got a 5 gallon fish tank to house my beta my gf got for me. Then for my b-day my gf got me a bigger tank. Me and her really love them. She loves getting the pretty ones as she calls it. Shortly after getting my 30 gallon tank Pickle my beta died... So I decided to move away from betas for awhile. Getting another this week to brign back with me to school in NH. Right now in my 30 gallon tank i have 1 Sail fin Pelco 3.5"(had him for about 6 months), 1 Black tetra 1.25"(had for one year now!), 1 loach 2" (him it for about 3 months, really have no idea what it is), and 1 Blood parrot 3" (for about 2 months). Really glad i found this site and can't wait to learn more. Any advice would be great!