HUGE fight

Yesterday, I witnessed a huge fight between my firemouth and dempsey. No one is injured though, The firemouth is useulay the one who chases everything around the tank. I geuss my dempsey finaly had enough and fought back hard yesterday. But now it seems like they have an understanding. After the fight they both went to there caves and sat there, then cam out and were sitiing all together with and electric blue, then i put a shit load of food in to help them keep there minds off fighting, they ate and all went back to there usual swim around the tank together.

You think this fight set things straight and things will go on better now or do you think one day I will have a real problem in the future, with a dead fish? I have never seen them fight this bad..but things are better then ever in there right now?!? Help?!


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
i will assume that these two fish "locked up" and made quite a scene?

while using a precise gauge on "well, this cichlid is more aggressive than this one" is impossible in most circumstances, i would say that a typical jack is a bit more aggressive than most firemouths.

aggression is expected in all cichlid set-ups, no matter what size tank you have. as long as retreats are available and the fighting is not too vicious and frequent (like every 10 seconds), i wouldnt worry too much.

while a 55 gallon is a relatively small tank for some of the big guys, i wouldnt think a jack and a firemouth would be impossible to do.

IMO and IME jacks are fairly mellow, and only fight with other fish on occasion....seemingly to remind other fish that they are the top-dog.

just keep an eye on it and make sure that neither fish is having big chunks ripped-out of him/her.

Locked up was definetly what was happening. But like I said this rarely ever happens I just wanted to know if this happensto others. And if I should be alarmed by this. I realized there would be agression, I just dont want it to get to far. I have lots of caves and drift wood, they can definetly get a way for a brether and some alone time. lol

another quick questions.....what is IMO and IME???