Huge Tropical Fish Auction, San Diego, Nov 9

Apr 9, 2003
San Diego, CA
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November 9th, (Sunday) is the HUGE YEARLY TROPICAL FISH AUCTION hosted by the San Diego Tropical Fish Society!! You cannot
miss this one, hundreds of fish, aquatic plants, tanks, supplies,
Invertebrates, etc., are auctioned off and they go CHEAP!! Rare fish that you
only ever see in books show up at these auctions, same with plants. The bidding

starts PROMPTLY at 7:00 PM, but I suggest you get there no later than 6:30 so
you can look through all the items and write down what you want to bid on.
Again, attendance to this event is free, bring cash! The auction is also going
to be in room 101 of the Casa del Prado in Balboa Park, San Diego. (By the San
Diego Zoo)

Got Questions?? You can call our information line at (619)281-FISH or email me
at or check our website at
I also have a map of the area and where the Casa Del Prado is, so if you would
like the map, email me and I will send it to you ASAP!
WRITE ALL THIS DOWN FOLKS, you do not want to miss either of these events, they

only happen once a year!!!!!

Apr 9, 2003
San Diego, CA
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Here is a partial, and I do mean partial (!) list of some of the fish I know will be there:

Koi Angels
south american cichlids
african cichlids
wild livebearers like:
wild swordtails, halfbeaks,platies, gambusia, heterandria formosa, goodeids, ameca splendans,poeciliopsis gracilis, maylands mollies, other poecilia, etc
show guppies
pomacea bridgessi snails (don't eat plants)
tons more types of fish
huge amount of aquatic plants, many rare
and just a ton of fish that you never see in stores.
Then there will be tanks, supplies, food, stands, lights, filters, medicines, live food cultures like daphnia, microworms, etc, books, magazines, bowls, stuff!


Superstar Fish
Aug 30, 2003
Palm Springs, Ca
Well I guess we were the only one's from here that made it...more for us :)

We got there early and unded up working a bit handing out bidding plates, but there was plenty to bid on and we did :D

Ended up with a 50g show tank, a dozen endlers, a dozen mosquito fish, worm culture, 2 huge clumps of java moss, a bunch of spiral vals, 2 rose swords, water hyacinth and a java fern...and all for $84.00!

Not bad for a drive down south :D

Apr 9, 2003
San Diego, CA
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Originally posted by Gomer
very nice indeed! I think I'll have to go down there next time I have $$ to spend and space to put the new tank ;)
Well, mark you calender then, as the next auction is in April. Second Sunday of the month, whatever day that is, LOL!

And glad you made it down Ecotank and got some cool stuff, that is great! Prices at this auction were actually higher than usual, there were a few bidders in the room going nuts. Normally items sell for a lot less. But either way, sounds like you got one heck of a deal!
And of course, anytime you want to come to a meeting, you will find the club there, same room on the Second Sunday of every month at 7 PM. We have a mini auction, a raffle table, a guest speaker, and a mini fish auction at every meeting. Always good fish fun!
There is also a great club that meets in Costa Mesa on the first Sunday of every month from 1-5 PM called Coast. They always have a big auction at each meeting, love that place! If you need info, let me know :)
Best, Fishes


Superstar Fish
Aug 30, 2003
Palm Springs, Ca
Yea, Lotus and I had a good time, somethings went rather high (that one lady was bidding super high on stuff she wanted for her pond) But everything we got was great value :D

We will try to get down for a meeting (it's about 2 1/2 - 3 hrs in the Jeep) and we will definately make it for the auction in April!

Might have to check out Coast too...any info is greatly appreciated :)

Apr 9, 2003
San Diego, CA
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Originally posted by ecotank
Yea, Lotus and I had a good time, somethings went rather high (that one lady was bidding super high on stuff she wanted for her pond) But everything we got was great value :D

We will try to get down for a meeting (it's about 2 1/2 - 3 hrs in the Jeep) and we will definately make it for the auction in April!

Might have to check out Coast too...any info is greatly appreciated :)
As long as you had a good time,that is all that matters. I actually only bought two fish this time, LOL! I was too worn out and too busy doing other stuff that night to pay attention!
Coast is a really fun club, each meeting has a guest speaker on a fish topic, then there is a nice auction (usually 100+ items, which go seriously cheap, $1 a bag cheap), then they have a raffle. Nice thing about COAST is that it meets during the day on Sundays, 1-5, it is not an evening club like the San Diego group.
Here is the website for COAST, if this doesn't work for you, let me know and I will send you info:
Have you set that new 55 up yet???


Superstar Fish
Aug 30, 2003
Palm Springs, Ca
Originally posted by SanDiegoFishes
I was too worn out and too busy doing other stuff that night to pay attention! Have you set that new 55 up yet???
Heck, we spent the night handing out bidding plates to everyone, but still managed to buy plenty...I think we got a sword and the endlers from you, could be another Barbara though.

Yea the 50g show tank is set up and cycling...already planted and just waiting for the water conditions to set and then fish :D

Apr 9, 2003
San Diego, CA
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Originally posted by ecotank
Heck, we spent the night handing out bidding plates to everyone, but still managed to buy plenty...I think we got a sword and the endlers from you, could be another Barbara though.

Yep, probably mine, LOL! I do believe I was sitting next to you for some of the auction, LOL!! I was the tall blonde in jeans and a black T Shirt, I helped do late check ins, took photos, answered questions, etc. I pulled a chair up to the left of the "plates" at the back, sat down some, LOL! My hubby was one of the first auctioneers, the guy standing on the right up front. Sorry I didn't do a better job of introducing myself, I was totally exausted that night :)
Excellent job on bidder plate distribution by the way, many thanks for jumping in there and taking a job!! Bet you didn't know you would get put to work when you got there, eh??
Best, Barbara


Small Fish
Dec 2, 2003
S. Cal
That was my first time attending a public auction and to be honest, I was expecting more (ie. show tanks, fish, presentations one certain species, etc...). All in all, there was alot of good stuff for sale mainly plants and killifish.
I was wondering if there was/will be meetings where people discuss and trade/sell Apistogramma.
SanDiegoFishes, do you know if COAST deals with Apistogramma?

Apr 9, 2003
San Diego, CA
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Originally posted by sucinimad
That was my first time attending a public auction and to be honest, I was expecting more (ie. show tanks, fish, presentations one certain species, etc...). All in all, there was alot of good stuff for sale mainly plants and killifish.
I was wondering if there was/will be meetings where people discuss and trade/sell Apistogramma.
SanDiegoFishes, do you know if COAST deals with Apistogramma?
Hi again,
Yep, at the auctions that is all that goes on, fish, plants and supplies for sale. Now, at the regular meetings, we have fish discussions, shows, etc. In fact, a few months ago we brought David Soares down from Oregon and he gave a big presentation on APISTOGRAMMAS, big grin! You just missed it! He also brought tons of apistos down and auctioned them off, they went really cheaply too.
The COAST club does get more cichlids, so I would check it out. There is also a cichlid club up there, you will find info about them on the Coast website. Next Coast meeting is the first Sunday of January, from 1-5 PM. Let me know if you want more details!
Best, Fishes