Hullo Everyone!

Jul 22, 2006
I registered on the forum as THUNDERxRAGE, but the system did not send me the activation email and I sent the Administrator three emails, but no response, so I created the username THUNDER. Finally, here I am.

I am somewhat an experienced fish-keeper for several years. I used to have a 10 gallons tank for about 3 years. It was filled with Septre Tetras, Black Skirt Tetras, White Clouds, Cherry Barbs, Zebra Danios, Striped Raphael catfish, and a Beta. The first 2 years was with my mother and 1 year during college. After college, I had to stay with my mother for a while and she did not want the fish tank in her house, so I had to throw it out, but brought the catfish in the cup with me. I put him in a tiny tank, about a gallon, and he lived for several months afterward and died. I procedded to having several Platies and Mollies in the tiny tank, but they did not seem to live long enough, because of the tank being so small. I toss that tank out and got me an Eclipse tank, I think about 5 gallons. Had it for a while, then I threw it out.

About 2 years or less passed, I finally got my own apartment in April. Its only been several months living on my own again and a few weeks ago, I got me a 29 gallons tank, but I really wanted the 55 gallons, but not enough space in the living room. However, I can get a 55 gallons tank for my spacious bedroom, but that will happen later, not now.

Currently, I have 10 Tiger Barbs, 6 Platies, 2 Dwarf Gouramis, 1 Sepre Tetra (long story), and 2 Striped Raphaels. They all are doing great and healthy. I really wanted only 6 Tiger Barbs, but they would not behave, so I had to get more and they finally calmed down.

I took some short videos of my tank with my Creative PC Cam. I am not sure if anyone would like to see them, because the cam recorded it kinda strangly. The light in the video shows to be bright, but it actually not. I have a Kodak Easyshare High Zoom Z740 digital camera, but it is in the pawn shop. Ill have to get it out soon, so I can take some great pictures.

It worries me alot on how I set up my fish tank. I tries to make it look as much natural I can with fake plants. Having real plants is too much hassle and plants do not thrive well in salty water. I take into consideration on amount of caves and hiding places that fishes would like and I make sure that there are plenty for all of the fishes. There is one giant log and a smaller log, along with a tree stump. All of these decorations have plants attached to them. I bought two sword plants for the front and two tall plants for the back. I am careful on not to enclose the heater and the filter tube, but I may be able to add two more plants in the back. I was thinking about adding tall grass to cover the Undergravel Filter tubes and that the grass is the best choice, because of the water flow and I do not want plants lending (spell right?) over too much. I am going to add some stones to put around ontop of the gravels. There is no tall plants in front of the filter waterfall, because of the water flow. Overall, there is alot of medium sized plants in the tank and the fishes seem to be happy.

There is a strange shape of green rock behind a log on the right side, but its not viewable much. I do not know if I should leave it there or change it to another location or take it out. If I move it or take it out, I can add a plant in place of it.

I really wanted fishes that is 'different'. Its very hard to decide on which fishes I want. For example, Fish A get along great with Fish B and Fish C get along great with Fish A, but not with Fish B. Confusing! Altho, I really do like the Tiger Barbs and its hard having fishes with Tiger Barbs, because of the way they fin-nip.

My Tiger Barbs do not bother the Dwarf Gouramis, but some would occasionally play games with the Gouramis. They would follow the Gouramis and if the Gouramis see them, the Tiger Barbs would look away and when the Gouramis resume to swimming their way, the Tiger Barbs would follow them and do a nip or touch n swims for dear life. I've observed the Gouramis' fin tails closely and I do not see any signs of actually being nipped. So, I figure that the Tiger Barbs like to play and they are not being aggressive. The two male Gouramis get along great with each other and they do not bother any of the fishes.

The city tap water that I uses is very HARD! But, that is not a problem for me, because I know of the best water treatment that everyone should be using, depending on how hard their water is. I uses the Neutral Regulator (green bottle) and the Discus Buffer (blue bottle). I have to use the Discus Buffer, because the city tap water is very HARD. These are all that I need for the water treatment.. However, I do use AquaSafe and EasyBalance as extras, because of some features in those treatments that I want to include as well.

I do monthly water change at 25% and I always add water when I start to see the water line go lower enough for 1 gallon of new water addition. When I add water, I use a gallon jug and add one scoop of the Neutral Regulator and Discus Buffer, along with 5 drops of each AquaSafe and EasyBalance. I shake the jug up and pour the water into the tank.

I use aquarium salt and the tank currently have 6 tablespoons of salt at a rate of 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons. Using salt is wonderful. Salt promote good fish health, coloration, and preventing diseases.

The tank does have Undergravel Filter and its a must to have. Its very important, in fact, to provide a more stable life enivroment.

I feed all my fishes with TetraMin Tropical Granules - The Rich Mix, BabyShrimp - Sun Dried Gammarus, and BloodWorms - Freeze Dried Food. When any of the food falls down to the gravels, it does not worry me, because I have two Striped Raphaels. They eat nonstop everywhere until they cant find any food. I feed them all once or twice a day, but typically only once.

I bought the tank at WalMart, of course I work in the Pets department. Its an AquaCulture Deluxe 29. The filter is AquaTech with BioFiber. I am impressed with the filter and it does a great job, but I still want the Penguin or Emperor. I used the Penguin for my 10 gallons tank. I am having a hard time to decide on which filter I want. The penguin has a new style and their BioWheel has increased greatly in size. The emperor has two pumps, one that draws in the water and the other that sprays the water at the BioWheel. I do not know if the BioWheel for Emperor is huge as is for Penguin. Both are attractive and I am having a hard time to decide. Please do tell me your opinions and experiences.

There is something else I was going to say, but I forgot as soon I was petting my bunny, which is about 2 or 3 feet away from me.

I guess thats about it. I'll go ahead and post the crappy videos of my tank. If you have anything to say or any ideas (anything), feel free to post.

Oh yeah, now that I remember what I was going to say. The 24 inch light for my tank is terrible. I do not know why it takes so long for it to actually stay lit! When I turn it on, it flickers and then dims. After an unlength known of time, it finally lights up. I need to get a new one.


Jul 22, 2006
I just tested the water in the tank. PH is at 7.0, Ammonia is 0, Nirate is 0, but Nirite is 0.50. I'll be changing some water when I get off of work overnight. I have to shower right now and get ready for HellMart (WalMart).

I use the Freshwater Test Kit in bottles that comes in a green box. They changed the packaging and it is now a clear and smaller box. Its sold at PetsMart and online at WalMart.


Jul 22, 2006
Thanks! I told them that I like Pets and that I wanted to be in the Pets department. I work overnight and was working full time, but I cut back to part time, because stocking was physically challenging and I have to get used to it first. Working overnight = more pay. I would like to work during the daytime, because there are more customers and I would like to ensure that people know what kind of fishes they are buying and to provide information and also refer them to other small stores that specialize in more fish information/supplies. WalMart are limited on fish supplies! I tell my coworkers that Ill take care of the fish duties when customers are needing any fishes or have any questions, because I have the knowledge to ensure the customers know what they are doing. One time, I was walking by and this lady had one bala shark and one guppy in the bag and I told the people that was going to buy them that the bala shark will get big and will eat the guppy. They panicked and I tried to tell them about which fishes can go together and such, but they took off. I dont care if WalMart are losing potential sales of fishes. I just want to make sure that the customers know what they are doing, so they dont have to return and complain. Last night, this guy wanted a dozen of goldfish that costs 15 cents each and I noticed the things he had in his hand. I asked, are you going fishing? He said, yes. I was furious, but nothing I can do about it. I asked for a transfer to daytime, but I have to wait 6 months to request a transfer. If some day in the future that I become the manager of the Pets department, I will see to it that the correct fish supplies are ordered, because I care.

I have tried to work at PetsMart, but they looked at me and just completely ignored me (discrimination). I try to tell them that I am good with fishes.


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Small Fish
Jul 5, 2006
um i think i might know what would go good with the barbs but i dont kno anout the Gouramis cause i used to hav barbs and i also had sharks like redtail shark silver shark and others but they like to chas the others around they hav killed two but i dont kno about the Gouramis

Jul 22, 2006
My two Dwarf Gouramis are very shy. One would swim up and down on the sides of the tank and the other would mostly swim around inside the caves. When the light are off, they are comfortable to swim around, because all the fishes (or most of them) goes to bed.