Hungry Jumpers

i hate hungry jumpers the most! lol, oops, didnt even tell you what kind of anataboid (spelling?) well. one of my purple bettas, Amethyst, she was STARVING you could see it in her eyes. so while i was feeding the compartment of Sapphire, Amethyst just went for the net! of course she missed AND FEEL!:eek: since i put my betta on a shelf/rack/case (whatever you want to call it) she could easily fall to her death (after all, shes not all that big and from her tank to the floor is like us jumping off a big mountain (like the Rocky Mountains) so i thought fast. stupid adreneline..made me pick up her heavy container and smack it to the side of the shelf/rack/case and so she jumped once more (cause she was at the edge with most of her body not suspended in air) and she fell back into the water. fear stripes instantly formed. oooh, so glad she didnt die or anything..this also reminds me of another time when i was feeding my first 2 bettas. (sapphire and amethyst lives in the same tank that my first 2 males used to live, but since they died, the girls have it) i was feeding the indigo one first cause he was closest, but since the red one was starving like amethyst (they burn energy too fast! :mad: ) he jumped and went into indigo's compartment. it happened all so fast and they were literally beside each other, fin to fin, body to body, looking at me like, GIMMIE GIMMIE!!!! i was so scared of them fighting together and since the net had the bloodworms in there, i just scooped the red one out of the indigo's compartment and just put him back in his. oiy, that was sure one fun day...


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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wow. well, i never had any hungry jumpers, but ive had a few angry jumpers. i used to keep two bettas in a dual hex kit, but i changed the divider to a peice of opaque plastic so theyd stop challenging each other all day(theyd ram theyre heads into the wall) well one day when i fed them, i forgot to put the lid back on, and my blue betta jumped into the red bettas side and kicked his butt all across that tiny tank. this happened twice the first time i was playing HALO right next to the tank and saw what was going on and put the blue betta back on his side. the second time i came in and found the blue in the reds side once again and the red on the tabletop next to the tank, drying out. i put the red one on the blues side and left it at that, and they didnt fight again. i guess the blue one wanted the window seat.:D


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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I had Shelby and little Ruby in one of my 3gal divided tanks. The dividers go all the way to bottom of the cover. Well, Shelby decided one day she wanted to beat-up Ruby, so she jumped though a 1/4" by 1/2" slot SIDEWAYS then proceeded to tear Ruby's fins to bits.

My new barracks have precision cut dividers, less than 1/8" gaps everywhere so my girls and my boys cannot jump, unless I leave the lid open ;)