Hurt zebra danio


Large Fish
Mar 13, 2013
Have had this danio for a year now, she has always had a funny shape to her. Kind of like a bent spine? The last few days she has been really bent, breathing fast, swimming funny. Have you ever heard of this? I want to do something to help her but not sure what. She has good days and bad days. One night she was laying on the leaves of the plants, I thought it was the end. The next day she was back to normal. None of the other fish are affected so it's not a community thing. Any ideas??

Feb 27, 2009
Fish TB possibly. Inbreeding also causes deformities. If she's "always" had this problem, I would not worry that its causing her issues after a year.

Any deformity can make a fish more prone to showing issues with water parameters. What are the current readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? If water quality is off, she (being the likely weakest of the group) may be the first to show signs of stress because of it.

If temperatures have been running hotter than normal, this may cause your aquarium water to be higher than it used to be. Hotter water holds less oxygen than cooler water. What temperature do you keep the tank at? Danio are a cool water fish, not tropical as most think. What other fish do you have with them?


Large Fish
Mar 13, 2013
Temp is 82. I have 5 danios, one balloon mollie, one betta, 3 cherry barbs, one skunk loach, one clown loach, and two kuhli loaches. Not sure of water parameters, haven't checked it lately. (I've been a bad fish parent and to much going on the last month with dad dying don't yell at me lol)


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
clown loach? what size tank is this?
bent fish are going to have problems at one point in their life. just make it's life easy for it and it should be ok. if you see that its really suffering then i suggest you freeze the danio and get a healthy one.