I've never heard of this brand of filter. Is this the canister type filter that has hoses going into the tank, one for intake water and one for return? Or is it a power filter type that is a box that hangs on the back of the tank?
If it's a canister type, then you should have one hose running into the tank for water going into the filter, then another hose for water coming out of the filter for water going back to the tank. As long as there aren't any leaks, and the canister isn't below the minimum height, then your good.
If it's a Power Filter or HOB (Hang On Back), the intake tube just sits in the water. Not much more than that.
If you have a link to the manufactures web page that would be helpful too. I tried to find it on the almighty google, but I guess even somethings are still beyond there grasp.