Now I have been here long enough to know that many are opposed to hybrids, and this topic is almost like discussing politics but lets keep it friendly and informative for others and new members. I want to explore the opinions on selective breeding as well.
Discus: Colbalt blue (among other designers)are considered hybrids from many web sources..are these true hybrids or are they a specific species that is being called hybrid because they have been selectively bred color morphs?
That brings up another question the comment was made that there are many beautiful natural cichlid species that one shouldnt need hybrid, how does this apply to selective breeding since in most cases selective bred fish would not survive in the wild due to being an easy target.
Why is it common to denounce hybrids on this forum as freaks, frankenstein fish when many hybrids do exist in the wild. I understand that the most common hybrids, parrots and flower horns are deformed fish that are line bred for the genetic deformities to be prevalant and this is ethically questionable.
Platys are another common stated recently in a popular fish magazine, it stated most platys in the hobby today are the offspring of sword/platy crosses. I wish I still had the magazine to give the specific reference. So should we boycott platys as well.
I know many use the domestic dog as a reference for hybrids..while this is "apples to oranges" the domestic dog (one species many breeds) came from wild dogs of different species so while it isnt truly accurrate it does IMO have some validity because the hybrid did end up becoming species specific.
The statement was also made that hybrids cant be used in breeding programs..this isnt entirely true..if a hybrid, species A X species B is bred to Species A then line bred with species A again species A will eventually dominate the DNA and become species specific again..(sorry for including that but when I was going to college for a Natural resouces degree we had to explore how hybrid animals CAN be used in species survival.)
Discus: Colbalt blue (among other designers)are considered hybrids from many web sources..are these true hybrids or are they a specific species that is being called hybrid because they have been selectively bred color morphs?
That brings up another question the comment was made that there are many beautiful natural cichlid species that one shouldnt need hybrid, how does this apply to selective breeding since in most cases selective bred fish would not survive in the wild due to being an easy target.
Why is it common to denounce hybrids on this forum as freaks, frankenstein fish when many hybrids do exist in the wild. I understand that the most common hybrids, parrots and flower horns are deformed fish that are line bred for the genetic deformities to be prevalant and this is ethically questionable.
Platys are another common stated recently in a popular fish magazine, it stated most platys in the hobby today are the offspring of sword/platy crosses. I wish I still had the magazine to give the specific reference. So should we boycott platys as well.
I know many use the domestic dog as a reference for hybrids..while this is "apples to oranges" the domestic dog (one species many breeds) came from wild dogs of different species so while it isnt truly accurrate it does IMO have some validity because the hybrid did end up becoming species specific.
The statement was also made that hybrids cant be used in breeding programs..this isnt entirely true..if a hybrid, species A X species B is bred to Species A then line bred with species A again species A will eventually dominate the DNA and become species specific again..(sorry for including that but when I was going to college for a Natural resouces degree we had to explore how hybrid animals CAN be used in species survival.)