Hydor Koralia Question

Jan 9, 2009
Owensboro, KY
I can get the controllable Koralia's for $4.00 more would there be an advantage to this without a wavemaker? They'd be 64.99 each is that a deal? Also have a pretty dumb question moving all these tanks around has about whooped me, that 150 was a haas I didn't have any help so I had to back up to the back door and slide it in luckily was on carpet wasnt to bad to push lol, aside from that, I've never tried it but was wondering if when I fill my 125 back up would it be a bad idea to fill it almost all the way up and then add salt and run some powerheads and air stones and let it sit for a couple of days and then adjust salinity or should I just go ahead and pre-mix? Thanks for any input..

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
That is actually a really good deal for the Koralias, they are expensive here. However, without the wavemaker you wont really be able to run them because they dont have a standard outlet plug, they get wired in.

What I have found to be easier for setting up an empty tank is to add substrate, then fill it up approximately 80-90% with water (to compensate for live rock or whatnot to be added later). Eyeball approximately how much salt you have in your bucket for how many gallons you have of water and add as needed. Run the powerheads and heater (since salinity is also dependant on temperature). Let it mix overnight and by tommarow it should be thoroughly mixed enough to be an accurate test.

Jan 9, 2009
Owensboro, KY
Im glad I didn't just order those Koralias on impulse it doesn't say anything about them not having a plug and having to be wired. Also thought I'd double check on mixing that water didnt want to set myself up for a head ache thanks for the help*thumbsups


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
its fine to mix the water that way but IMO thats a little pricey for the koralias. search around online n youll find a better price for sure! cultivatedcoral.com is a local store but they also have an online store n the koralias are dirt cheap ther but they are currently sold out of the #4's :p but seriously just do a google search! personally if it wer me id just get a couple maxijet 1200's and the sureflo mods n call it a day!


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I am all about the maxijets with the mods.....they are inexpensive, can be run on a wavemaker and provide great flow for the price. I had two Korallia 4's and both seized after about a year. Not sure why but it was amazing that they seized within a month of each other. I have heard of other reefers with the same problem. CAn't go wrong on a few maxijet 1200s for about $20 a piece add the mod for another $10 and you have a great set up for the $.