I am confused, How do I cycle with BioSpira??

Jun 2, 2008
Okay, I want to get Bio-Spira for my 29 Gallon Freshwater Tank but, I am very confused.

How do I start? and I hear I need fish. So wait a minute.

I am looking for like 5 Chiclads, 2 Swordtails, A couple of Tertras, 2 Otos, A couple of shrimp. That sound good? (Side Question- Could a betta go well with them?)

Now, I hear I must add fish to act as a ammonia source but, Do I add the fish I want to keep permantly? Also, Do I add it directly with the fish or when the bag in floating a the top like... Do I put the bags in 30 min before poruing in Bio Spira so I can reelase fish from bag same time as Bio Spira or should I put it in when I'm letting the bags foat

Major Confused, Please help me, Here is a video of my 29 gallon tank

29 Gallon Fish Tank


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
The way I understand the way that stuff is supposed to work, is you add the fish you want to keep, then you add the biospira, how ever much it says and how ever long. You add the bio spira to the tank, not to fish bags. I would put the fish in first, wait a few hours, then add the bio spira.

I would pass on the otto's and shrimp right now. Neither are normally known to be able to withstand a cycle, and while bio spira should help there still might be some fluctuations with the ammonia and nitrates. I'd wait untill you know for sure that the tank is 100% cycled before you add them just to play it safe.

Jun 2, 2008
I just got tank yesterday and added some small "water purifier" pack for choroline and its just sitting there

I am about to order the Bio Spire thingy and it should be here by Friday.

Is there anything else that should be set up in the tank? Certain levels before I put fish in besides cycling?

For example, Could I just be able to put them in now and than put in the Bio Spire stuff?

I think a LFS of mine might have it, if it does so I walk in, buy it , and get the fish with it?

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Feb 23, 2008
I've got a 90 gallon and used Bio-Spira.

I bought the Bio-Spira on a Saturday and added it to the tank. During this time I had no fish in there, but the filter system was running.

The next day I added my fish. One week later I started my water changes/gravel cleaning. I haven't had a problem with water conditions or the fish since.

BTW, make sure when you buy the Bio-Spira that it's refrigerated. Good luck!


Large Fish
May 29, 2008
Memphis, TN
Go with Kribs, or the Rams... Rams are kinna hard to keep from what I've heard (sensitive to water conditions...) The apisto might work... NO to the angel fish...

There's another thread here, in the general that states simply : Angels and Ottos don't mix... The angel will try to eat the otto and choke on it, killing both.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure angels get a little big for a 29 galon with that many fish.

Kribs also pick, I'm not sure about the rams or apistos... But I know that kribs can attack other fish if you're not careful...

Jun 2, 2008
I started my Fish Tank and within 24 hours (next day but not 24 hours) I dumped the Bio Spira stuff (after traveling around the city to find it) and put the fish and they are doing fantastic.

My little red head is still hiding in the castle he only comes out when its quiet, I see him when I leave my room or go to bed. My other flat orangey dude is nice, and my two colorful ones with these tail things are like best friends

I dont even rememeber the names of the and I lose recete, so I think I will take a video to show you guys and plus to get help identifying.