I am new to Bettas

Ok, so i am new to all fish keeping. I was told by the pet store that it was ok to keep a betta in a bowl. So i bought the fish, a Red Male along with a 1/2 gallon bowl. I got it all set up and it looked not so comfortable. I am worried now, and have done tons of research online and now know a lot of things i should have known before. I AM going to buy him a 10 gallon tank ASAP. but i was wondering what would be good things to get for the tank.

what heater?

what plants?

what accessories?

what kind of gravel?

I am asking to get answers from people who actually know bettas thoroughly and are experienced in keeping them alive and well.

Thank you!

Mar 7, 2008
welcome to the forum and to fishkeeping. i recently got a betta myself and love it. i inherited a 3 gallon eclipse tank from a friend, kicked out its residents and moved him in there. he is pretty darn happy in there. and despite what many people say, he love the tiny current from the filter. those leisure time is still sleeping on rocks or leaves.

i don't have a heater for mine and you probably won't need one, but for a ten gallon tank a 50 watt heater would do you fine.

i have two live plants in mine (anubias and somehting else, both inherited) but i guess it all depends on what kind of tank you want to keep, planted, or simple

and that leads me to gravel... if you go planted you could use something liek eco-complete or flourite, but you can always use regulare gravel fomr the lfs that you rinse and put it. it is all to personal taste.

bettas are real hardy fish and can tolerate real crappy water. which is why many people find them easy to take care of. their stomachs are about the size fo their eye so you can feed them 2-3 pellets of food every other day(lfs store dude recommened.) mine got accustomed to feeding after the first time; where i had to entice himt o the top and see me put the pellet in. but after the first time he pretty much can tell when it is feeding time. its a pretty rewarding experience having that interaction with him.

everyone might give me flack about it, but i think a simple filter(ie whisper HOB) would make you very happy. not only will it move the water a bit, but it will save you on water changes. i change mine every other week(1 g for 3 g tank.) which makes care for him easy. you can run a tank with water for a few days or a week before you put him in, and he will survive in there nicely.

i use a small, very small amount of aquarium salt in my tank. this is a hated practice by many, and i was reluctant at first, but my betta seemed to like it when i did. plus it will thwart most chances of disease. I read about it on a betta keeping site sometime late at night, but the woman who said it swears by it an breeds them.

lastly, since he will probably be alone in the tank, you can put a mirror up to it for about five minutes a day. if you do it on the side of the tank, you will have a fun show!

enjoy your betta. don't forget to give him a name!


Large Fish
Feb 27, 2008
Lynchburg, Va
Ok, so i am new to all fish keeping. I was told by the pet store that it was ok to keep a betta in a bowl. So i bought the fish, a Red Male along with a 1/2 gallon bowl. I got it all set up and it looked not so comfortable. I am worried now, and have done tons of research online and now know a lot of things i should have known before. I AM going to buy him a 10 gallon tank ASAP. but i was wondering what would be good things to get for the tank.

what heater?

what plants?

what accessories?

what kind of gravel?

I am asking to get answers from people who actually know bettas thoroughly and are experienced in keeping them alive and well.

Thank you!

He would also be fine in a 2-5 gallon tank, which are pretty cheap. If you go with a 10g, you could get him a couple tank mates- most any fish that does not have a fancy tail, also african dwarf frogs are cool- there is a sticky on here somewhere that explains a lot about adf's.
I don't personally use a heater, most people would advise using one. Any heater that says it works for your tank size would be fine.
My betta loves to sit on a flower plant I have in with him. It's a fake- silk I think. It has big flower petals that he loves to swim through and lounge on.
I don't personally have any other accessories in with mine. He is pretty content with his flower.
Gravel is up to you, sand is also an option and there are plenty of threads on here to explain how to clean it before using it. Color is your choice- I'm sure your betta won't care what color you pick since he just got a great new home. ;)
Enjoy your new friend! I swear mine recognizes my voice... *SUPERSMIL


Medium Fish
Mar 2, 2008
One thing about accessories make sure there are no sharp edges their long fins can get torn on. Run something nylon over it and if it snags don't use it or file down the sharp edge.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
A 10 gallon starter kit is probably the best and cheapest way to go. It'll come with your filter, possibly your heater as well, nets and things. I keep bettas in a 10G and I tell you they love it. If you can get tall, leafy plants (fake or real) he'll love you, especially if the leaves float on the top a bit. They like to hover in tall leafy plants and it gives them a place to blow their nests.

Apr 26, 2008
I have my betta in 1 gal min bow tank. I bought a live plant that has grown very quickly. He loves picking at the plant and swimming thought it. The tank came with a lighted hood. So I turn that on for a few hours at night and it warms up the tank. No need for a heater with this tank. I feed my betta,
BettaMin from tetra. He loves it ! Only feed him 3 times a week, otherwise you will kill him. I killed my first few bettas that way not knowing :(! You would think they would not survive. But they are actually very active and healthy living this way. I agree with everyones recommendations, for your 10 gal.tank, good advice.

Have fun!

Dan Steveo

Large Fish
Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
bettas dont need anything except water. unless you want t breed them, then you need a heater. all you need to do is regularly (weekly) change around 25% of the water and keep it clean for him. if you have a filter then life is easier. make sure you use dechlorinator though...


Large Fish
Jul 19, 2007
bettas are tropical fish...I keep mine at 76-78, I use a heater in the winter bc the temp obv gets colder than that, they thrive in warmer waters..it's cruel to keep them in a cold room during the winter without a heater...I think a ten gallon tank would be good...I HATE it when bettas are kept in cramped tanks or bowls...they are intelligent and love to swim and explore...I keep mine in tanks that are 33gal to 85gal and if I get larger tanks...they will be in those as well...the bigger the better, this is a pet after all.