I can't get a pH reading!?


Small Fish
Dec 11, 2011
So I know that this sounds incredibly dumb, but I can't seem to figure out the pH of my tank, lol. I use the API Freshwater Master Test Kit, and my tank's pH usually measures at 8.2. The High Range pH test ranges from 7.4 to 8.8, with the colors being orange/dark brown, and 8.4 and 8.8 are dark purple. When I tested my pH today, it was magenta!? Like, clearly hot pink. I don't understand where this could possibly be coming from, it's never happened before. I also tried using the regular pH test, which is yellow at 6.0, then light green, fades to turquoise and at 7.6 is a very light blue. When I tried that test, it was dark blue (which doesn't surprise me since my pH is higher than that, anyways).

I also have another tank that I recently set up. I tried to test that pH also, and also got the magenta reading.

Since both tanks are both showing the weird magenta color, I'm assuming that it's my test kit that's screwy. Do you all agree? I just want to make sure that I'm not crazy! Should I just buy another pH bottle tomorrow and see how that turns up?

Mar 12, 2012
hmmm, its so strange, how could it be magenta~~~~ anyway, i guess you need to buy another PH bottle to try again and see what that turns up. then you will know what should do next step :)


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I had a similar problem when I first set up my tanks over two years ago - Fresh API test kit, called API to make sure about the dates on the bottles and I think they thought I was color blind. I just gave up on the pH and it certainly hasn't hurt the fish, but I am assuming my pH is at least 8.4


Small Fish
Dec 11, 2011
So today I went out and bought another pH testing bottle, and I got the same magenta color. It's just so odd! All of my fish in both my tanks are clearly happy and healthy though, so I'm not too concerned or anything. I think I'm also just going to give up on testing pH since that isn't working so well for me. Hopefully PetLand will let me return the test kit even though it's used!


Small Fish
Dec 11, 2011
With 2.5mL of tank water and 2.5mL of bottled water it's about 8.2
With 2.5mL of tank water and 2.5mL of tap water it's about 7.4

I decided to also test just the tap water and bottled water, and I thought I'd give just the tank water another go.
Just the tap water was about 7.5
The bottled water was also about 7.5
Today the tank was 8.2!

Huh. This is just really odd! I'm glad that I got a normal reading finally, but I wonder what made it magenta to begin with? Is it normal that my tank pH is higher than the tap water source that I'm using? I looked at the test tube in the same lighting, so I don't think it was some issue with that. Maybe I was just crazy!?


Superstar Fish
When ever I get strange readings on my salt tanks I do this procedure but use ro/di water from my filter system and compare with bottled water, I do this because its my source and not the tap. I also double it then take 5ml out and test it. Also be sure to test a few hours after feeding or before feeding as this may cause the test not read right. API could shed some light to.