I didn't sign up for this. But it's not all bad.


Large Fish
Mar 21, 2011
Saturday morning I noticed the Angels in the 90 where cleaning selected spots in the tank and sure enough several hours later they had spawned, now I cant do my water change with out exposing the eggs.

when we purchased our injured silver dollars I moved our Yellow Labs from the hospital tank to the 150, I noticed then that they where getting a bit friendly with each other, when I got up this morning and fed the fish I noticed the Yellow Lab is carrying a mouth full of eggs.

It makes me feel bad for them, I watch my fish closely and see how hard they work to produce young, and I don't have the time the room or expertise to help them out, what would be the best option for me and the fish, some one suggested I sell the mated pairs, but I am not doing this for money I do it because I really love my fish they are like pets to me, and I don't want them going to the fish equivalent of a puppy mill so what are some other options, ???????????????????


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
I had the same issue when my four juvie angels evolved into two mated pairs. Having one spawning pair was hard enough on the other fish in my 39g, but two pairs? It was a war zone. So i sold one pair to my lfs, and at that time I was told that they would probably end up being resold separately, as apparently many fishkeepers (probably novice) don't want a breeding pair of angels for their community tanks. But at another lfs I've seen mated pairs labeled and sold together for quite a premium, so I guess it depends on the space the lfs has and their clientele.
I kept one pair who spawned every ten days like clockwork - their eggs disappeared within 24 hours of being laid, so someone in the tank was having a nice midnight snack. After a couple of months, their spawning became less regular, and the male started bullying the female and really outpaced her in size. I had to separate them for the sake of the female's health, and she seemed perfectly happy alone. So you could separate your mated pair if you have another tank that one of them can go into. Otherwise you can just let them be, carry on your water changes, etc as usual, and they'll probably keep on spawning regardless of whether their eggs are destroyed or not. However you may need to separate them at a later point if they aren't happy with each other. Instead of selling them back to a lfs, where you don't know who will eventually be buying them, you could always try doing it privately through Craigslist or something.