Last night my ADF was energetic, and floatin around the tank, she'd get pushed down by the water coming out of the filter, then swim back up and go around in the current, and do it again.
This morning, I woke up, and came to feed em, and she was laying down on the rocks, I figured she was being lazy, so I kinda poked her with a fish net, nothing... So I moved her with the net, and she went on her back, and didn't move......
I'm so sad right now, but the worst thing is: I named her after my girlfriend...... I hope she doesn't die....
This morning, I woke up, and came to feed em, and she was laying down on the rocks, I figured she was being lazy, so I kinda poked her with a fish net, nothing... So I moved her with the net, and she went on her back, and didn't move......
I'm so sad right now, but the worst thing is: I named her after my girlfriend...... I hope she doesn't die....