I dunno if anybody has info but...

I was at my LFS today and I saw these two cichlids that IMO were pretty nice looking. They were called Aequidens
Tetrameris(that's how it was spelled). Not Tetramerus(unless it was a typo....).
Anyway i really like this fish and was wondering if anybody had information on this fish like Ph, Temperature, Temperament, what are some good tankmates?

I saw one of them have a stare down with a Midas lol:D


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
Aequidens tetramerus, also called Acara dimerus, Acara tetramerus, Acara viridis Chromis puctata Chromis uniocellatus, or Pomotis bono. They get beween 6 and 10 inches long, and are territorial. They pair up and form nuclear familes. They are intollerent and will bite, adults are particularly bad about that. They will not harm plants, an the fry are much more peacveful then the parents. They come from peaceful rivers and standing waters through out central, north easter and south america. Nearly all the fish are captive bred. They were discovered in 1910. Sexing is diffictul, but can be distinguished betwen the dorsal and anal fins. The males are more pointed, and the males are more brilianly colored. Slightly acid watr soft to medium hard for breeding with a pH of 6.5 an a hardness of 5-12 Gh. Frequent water changes needed. Open breeders, the femalewill lay up to 1000 eggs on a rock or root. Both parents shar resposibilities of the fry. Live foods and freeze dried foods accepted. The tank shoudl ahve roocks, roots and plants to provide hiding places, but open room for swimming. Fine gravel bottom with a mx of sand. They are not particularlly hard, but can be a bit of a challenge. Wouldn't be my first fish choice, but to each, there own, right? Good luck with them.