I fianlly took the "dive"


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well I tore down my freshwater tank and started my saltwater off. I found a great store about 30 min. away and they have a great selection and quality merchandise and knowledgable personel who are really helpful. The chief saltwater employee helped me get everything I need and gave me her hours and said to call if I had any questions no matter how dumb they seemed.

I got my salt and live sand and set everything up and this weekend I'm going to get my live rock and better lighting. Well everyone I'll keep you posted and wish me luck. ;D


The Big Fish
The Big Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sunny Southern California
hehehe. welcome to the SW world. you'll find it as addicting if not even more.

now for the rest of you guys...the force is strong within you...start a SW TANK! join us! mwahahaha. *darth vadar breathing*.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
:O why tear down a Nice Freshwater for a Saltwater tank? Heck why not just have both.. LOL  I have a 55 freshwater planted tank..and just a teeny tiny 20 gallon saltwater tank with around 20 pounds of live rock a couple damsels and a False Perc Clown..  Soon the damsels will be all gone.. and then I am gonna get another Clown.. and try my luck at an anemone.. if all goes well with that.. I am gonna be setting up another 55 for salt and move all of this from the 20 to the 55... Oh.. and cant forget my hermit Crabs.. they are cute as heck to watch.. clumbsy little creatures..  ;D


The Big Fish
The Big Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sunny Southern California
hey volitan,

what kind of setup on the 20gallon do u have? good idea with getting rid of the damels. clownfish rocks.

good luck with the hermit crabs. i have bad luck with them killing off my snails and what not. they even killed each other. now there are only 1 left and it's been banished to the refugium.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
ok.. here is my setup.. around 20 pounds of Live Rock.. 2 inches of Crushed Coral on bottom about 3 inches of Live Sand on top of that.. ( wish I wouldnt of kept the Cruched Coral) I have no corals or anything like that (yet) I have a Berlin 90 Airlift Skimmer (rated for tanks up to 90 gallons) I have one powerhead on back for circulation and a powerfilter Hanging on back for Circulation with no media (or for adding carbon to if I need to ever rid tank of Meds) inhabitants are 3 hermit crabs (and yes one killed another I had but he been replaced with another one bringing total back to three) I dont have any snails cause well either your right about the crabs killing them.. or I am thinking my treatment for ick awhile back killed em off.. I treated with "Kent Rx-P" says it doesnt kill inverts but snails seemed to be dropping off the glass a day after I started using it.. so at one time I had 3 snails (Bad algea Problem) but I have now bought a DI unit so now My water doesnt have a Phosphate problem anymore.. and upgraded to better lighting.. anyways.. hehe.. back to the fish list..  False Perc Clown.. 2 MEAN yellow tail damsel and 2 four stripe damsels.. yeah.. maybe overstocked a little on the fishy side.. but the damsels are leaving and another perc will be coming in.. "ANYONE OUT THERE WANT SOME DAMSELS?"... ummm Lighting is a Wonderful DIYer rigged thing I made.. It involves 1x4 pine lumber and 3 24" fixtures.. I made a canopy type enclosure for the three fixtures and took out the ballast on two of these fixtures and are now over powering it with a Electronic T8 Ballast at 32 watts per bulb.. (ballast for two 48" 32 watt tubes) running a Coralife 50/50 a actinic  and a Crappy Powerglow 18000K bulb from Petco ( I couldnt find any 20000K coralife bulbs around here) so in theory this should bring me to over 4 watts per gallon if you consider the 32 watts at 2 of the bulbs and 20 watts powering my actinic bulb.. Well this is enough rambling I have totally messed up a perfectly good story with my unorganized ramblings.. but anyways.. Lemme know what ya think.. ;)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well yesterday I went and bought about 30 lbs. of live rock which is teaming with invertes and other things, I am so amazed!!!! ;D

I am going to wait for two weeks and then go and start buying and SLOWLY introducing fish and other invertes as well. I am very excited and pondering which fish I should get any suggestions anyone?? I am looking at royal grammas and clown fish but I want some other nice community fish. Any imput would be appreciated thanks. I'll keep yall updated. 8) *thumbsupsmiley*


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
i was thinking of starting a 20g saltwater since i have an empty tank and nothing to do with it! i'm glad that i read this post.  i want something like volitan's setup, i mean with the live rock and sand, a couple of clowns, but no corals for right now.  thank you volitan for the inspiration!  ;D.  

oh yeah, i was just wondering, how much lighting is needed if you have live rock and sand but no corals?

good luck on the tank ryan.  hope everything goes well.  *thumbsupsmiley*


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well I don't have anything great just a single strip light for my live rock setup. It's actually not as hard to start one as you would think. Just try it all you need is some money! Trust me it gets expensive. I have spend $240 so far on live rock, live sand, book, and a hydrometer. Just a little bit of a warning if you can't afford it don't get into it. ;D


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
[glow=black,2,300]Well I am thinking about the clownfish but if I get one I want the anemone to have that classic symbiotic relationship. ;D Ummm I am not exactly sure what I want I am also looking at royal grammas and some gobies but I will talk to the lady at the store and see what she suggest. Anyone have any fish which are your favorite, for a beginner that is. :)[/glow]