I'll tell you about the way i am housing my mollies right now. Be aware that i have had them only for a short time, having sold off my swordtail/platy about 3 weeks ago and having acquired these mollies at that same time.
What I have are wild mollies, claimed to be sailfins. they were collected in full freshwater in a river inlet in Florida. thus I can see they are adapted to the FW environment. Since I commonly read that mollies do best with some salt in the water, I had to somehow implement salt into my tank in some way as to not harm my cherry shrimp, otocinclus/corydoras catfish or my plants. What I do for now is I put 1 teaspoon of instant ocean salt into my tank water for every 10 gallons of water. So far I find it has little effect on my plants and animal livestock. I see the Specific Gravity of the water is somewhere around 1.002 which is very low, but i guess some presence of salt in the water should make the mollies happy. They sure seem ok to me so far. The females seem to be young for the most part, but the most mature one has already dropped fry a few weeks ago and i suspect is due to drop within the next week again.
I feed them 6 days out of 7 every week. 1 day is to get their systems cleansed so i do not feed. I feed them Spirulina 20 flakes every morning and I will sometimes give them so sort of other food in the evening. They love frozen bloodworms, Freeze dried tubifex cubes, shrimp pellets, freeze dried brine shrimp(didnt offer my frozen kind yet but im sure they'll approve), and to some degree they also take freeze dried bloodworms.
I am going to see if they will accept some of my Formula One flakes that i feed to my clownfish too, just to add to their variety, and I suppose i should introduce them to green peas soon
With regards to my water, I do a water change once every week, changing out 5 gallons, i make sure to add 1/2 teaspoon of the salt. Tank temp stays around 77F. pH is around 7pH due to CO2 injection. KH value is 8-9dKH, GH values are massive, 25-30dGH.
I top off with RODI water just like in my SW tanks.
And that is what i do with regard to my mollies. Idk how it will work out in the long run, but of course I update my 40 gal journal (in the rate my tank section of this forum) frequently, so you will know if something is or isnt working out
It is unfortunate that your mollies felt sick, perhaps you are not keeping them in alkaline water?