I got a new 29 gal!


Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
Dallas Texas
New 29 gal for cheap! Sand????

I found a 29 gal at a garage sale today, with a stand for $15! I already have a 29 with gravel, so I want to do sand in this one. Which sand should I get for this tank? I want some cories and maybe a rubbernose pleco. I know the cories would like it, but would the pleco? I also am going to plant this one like I did my other. Should I put a bottom layer of laterite in first? Will a HOT Magnum do ok with the sand or get too cloggy? Sheesh..So many questions....:rolleyes:

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Thats is a really good deal. Can you get one for me that cheap? Anyway, I use sandblasting sand. Its white and ultra fine. It looks really good. The laterite would be a good idea if you are going to plant it. The cories would love it and I don't see why the pleco wouldn't. I don't know about magnums but I know my aquaclears do fine with sand. What else are you going to put in there?


Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
Dallas Texas
I am going to put my three parrot cichlids (i know) in there. The sandblasting sand, can I get that at Lowes or Home Depot? I have had exceptional results from my Magnum combined with a Whispher, so that's what I would like to put on this tank. I'm just worried about the sand being stirred up and causing the impellar to jam.
Fishy,the guy that I bought this from did have a 20 and a 15 long that he was selling for $10 together also.
I would have grabbed those too, but some lady beat me to them. Oh well, at least I was able to grab this one. There was practically a fist fight between me and the other lady over just this one.