im new to the board youll be hearing alot from me from time to time . my name is shaun im 25 years old and married 1 kid and one on the way i got married young so i can do all the things i wanted for i have a bad heart which seems to get worse as the years pass... now that i am formally introduced my question is. i got a 55 gal , 3 red eye tetras, 5 blackskirt or black widow tetras, 4 red tail sharks , 2 tin foil barbs, 1 pleco, 2 pink kissing gouramis and 1 dragon eel (freshwater of course). i want to get more fish yet. these fish all live together with zero problems . i was wondering what else could i put with these fish. i wanted tiger barbs but was told not to get them . this tank was set up for my son. he loves the fishys. so far i think i did quite a job on this tank and soon youll be seing pictures once the dwarf lilys have grown any suggestions on the fish welcome please something that will catch my sons eye would be great.