I got a terrific find!!


Small Fish
Aug 4, 2003
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I went to a yard sale last weekend and got a Eclipse 30 gallon glass tank with all the goodies for only 40.00! That was including the lid with power pump filter and bio wheel, built in lights, extra 200 watt heater, and a stand!!! Wow!!!! I still can't believe my good luck! I put six Tiger Barbs in to start the tank and put in some tank bacteria stuff. I can't wait to get more fish!!! Boy, this sure is fun!!


Large Fish
Apr 22, 2003
Nice! I've been looking for a used 30 gal myself lately. But all I find is for like $250, so no deal there. I did find a 55 gal with everything except a stand for $100. But I've got nowhere to put it, so I couldn't take it. Heh, still biting myself for not taking such a deal, there's so much I could do with such a big tank...


Small Fish
Aug 4, 2003
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Thats great

Oh! The 55 gallon for 100.00 sounds terrific, hope another one comes your way! Or a 30 gallon if that is a better fit!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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That is a really good deal for any 30gal, let alone a all-in-one unit like an Eclipse. Nice buy.

I just picked up a used 17 gal tank, with hood, light, 20lbs gravel, 150w heater, TopFin 40 power filter, 4 tank decorations, 4 plastic plants, and 5 lbs of extra black gravel, and a black metal stand for $25.00 CDN. A landlord sold it to me after his delinquent tenant left it behind.

I guess the trick to buying used is to find someone who does not know the value of the equipment, or does not care anymore ;)

I am not a big fan of buying new, not with the number of tanks for sale in my local area. To bad Garage Sale season is over, because you can find some real gems there too.


Small Fish
Aug 4, 2003
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Setup and pic

Yea,it is cycling right now. I cheated by putting in bacteria and I have six Tiger Barbs in there to start things off. It is set up in the front room and is looking great with a large gnarly piece of driftwood and an Amazon Swordplant and a few Anachris. I will be adding to the setting as time goes by. This is so much fun!!


Cool Tank, You are soooooo lucky.
As for the angels, I've not got a lot of experience so I could be quite wrong but I have two in a 55 gallon tank that is only 15inches high and they seem to love it. And their as healthy as puppies. One of my friends who also keeps fish told me that the key is tall plants. As long as they have lots of tall stuff in the tank to entertain them.
Good luck.

Has anyone else noticed how exited TLG is? This is great!! Keep it up!


Large Fish
Nov 21, 2002
North Las Vegas, Nevada
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Sweet deals are always nice.

I recently bought a 6 gallon eclipse with a new test kit and a few decorations for $15

I also bought my 90 gallon salt water tank with real oak stand and canopy with full lighting and 2 filters and a complete freshwater Co2 system (regulator type) for $200

And i got a 28 gallon via-aqua tank with stand, set up for salt water fish with the sand and live rock and live stock for $100

Congrats on your find, even with the good deals that ive come across I still find myself envyous of other good deals!!