i got betta for my tank!

well, i did it.. today i went out to my LFS and after eyeing up the perfect betta (about 100+ bettas) i picked out the perfect one :) i went by temperment, and beauty (tempermint being the #1 thing) i saw alot of beautiful bettas but would flare up at the other fish, till finally i found Provolone, my new betta... hes actually the biggest wimp i have ever seen, he is terrified of my male guppies that come up to him to check him out, so he darts behind my drifwood to hide, i havent seen him flare up yet! i gave him the test at the store,i was putting his cup agenst the other bettas cups and he would turn away, or stare back without showing ANY aggression! (while the other bettas where going nuts looking at him) I hope he will stay this way! hes looks pretty young also :) i will get pics of him on here ASAP.. i just dont want to turn on my tank light a freak him out anymore... he is shiney blue, but his two things that hang down in the front ( i dont know what there called) are red :) Provolone is so cute :) :D ill let you guys posted on how my betta/guppy/neon tetra mix is going...


Medium Fish
Aug 3, 2005
Sounds beautiful. I (posted on previous post) bought 2 new female bettas yesterday at my local Walmart.....didn't know they even carried females.....actually I refer to this as a rescue! They have pink bodies with rosey mauve or dark rose tails. I am thinking on naming them Thelma and Louise, or perhaps Lucy and Ethel would ensure them being calmer......problem is I can't tell them apart! I can't believe I bought two identical! Just not thinking! But I am thrilled with them. May get brave one day and get a male to try breeding but I know it takes lots of work and dedication to do so successfully. Maybe this winter if things slow down for me. Good luck with Provolone!

well i put provolone back in a bowl for a few days :rolleyes: because he was very stressed when i brought him home... i think he was so used to that tiny cup he was in at the pet store, that he went into shock when i put him in the tank with a bight light *thumbsdow ... he hid in my plants, and almost looked to be on his side... so i put him in the bowl and he seems to be better, hes been so stressed he hasnt ate anything yet, once he starts eating and settles down, i will put him in the tank.. i will keep you all posted! *thumbsups