i got my mom a betta!!!!

its a freaking cool crown tail betta! its in a 2 gallon hex tank. we set it up in her office today. we even put little plants in there. it came with a UGF, but i heard they were more trouble than they were worth. we just didnt put that in. when i get pics i will post them.

i am at her work right now. i just got out of school and walked over. she works at the middle school, and its right next to the high school. he has a brown head, and green body. his fins are a combo of red and green. he's still kinda jumpy though. mine were like that for a while, now they try to bite me every time i put my hand in the tank.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Hehe, our school has a sea turtle in our rehab center right now... named Chomper. He's fine in the water, but apparently he likes to chomp at feet if you pull him out of the water...

I enjoy crown tails, they look neat. They look more natural than the veil tails (which is what I have)... even though they've been more specifically bred.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I like Gator!! Its cute and unique. I have a fish that attacks me too. Whenever I clean or put my arm in the tank for any matter my Maroon Clown goes abosolutly nuts. He attacks me. Its doesnt just have to be me either he will go after the magnetic algae scruppber, nets, bags, anything. Its like a switch of madness is flipped!! I know what you mean about attack fishies. I think that you and me both need to get Beware Of Fish signs. :D What do you think?? *SUPERSMIL