I'll get some pictures when I can.
I promised myself I was not going to get fish til I got back from vacation, but after searching all the petstores locally for a clown plec I finally found one and I also found a bristlenose. So today I bought a clown plec and a bn plec. Do you think it might be a bit much to get a rn too? hmm...
I'll also say I pick one of the hottest days to get fish and my poor little car without air conditioning, ugh. So I bought and ice cold canned soda and put it in the bag holding the bags that held the plecs, don't know if that did any good. But I had to drive with my window rolled down and what do you know it just happens to start raining, we weren't supposed to have rain. Fun trip!
I promised myself I was not going to get fish til I got back from vacation, but after searching all the petstores locally for a clown plec I finally found one and I also found a bristlenose. So today I bought a clown plec and a bn plec. Do you think it might be a bit much to get a rn too? hmm...
I'll also say I pick one of the hottest days to get fish and my poor little car without air conditioning, ugh. So I bought and ice cold canned soda and put it in the bag holding the bags that held the plecs, don't know if that did any good. But I had to drive with my window rolled down and what do you know it just happens to start raining, we weren't supposed to have rain. Fun trip!
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