i got pictures on a cheap camera


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
shreve, ohio
i got pictures on a cheap camera they suck but here they are

and as soon as i figure out what i'm doing i'll show them to you all i promise sorry i'm an idiot when it comes to this computer stuff :eek: :mad: :confused:
ok here they are go to http://groups.msn.com/DenDensTank/shoebox.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=11 this is my tank and the picture's of the stand before it was set up i built the stand all by my self and because my dad had the wood setting around it only cost me 5 dollars for the nails screws and stain i know the tankneeds alot of work but i am short on money and i'm just taking it one step at a time the small tank w/ the backround is my 29 gallon and it needs work also but like i said no cash + limited fish stuff so i hope you all aprove and if you don't maybe you will when i get a better camera we borrowed this one from my sister in law she is 13 and spent 30 bucks on it .i'll try to get working on the tank set up the rest of the way but right now were all happy swing buy and check it out at DenDen'sTank@groups.msn.com *celebrate *thumbsdow *thumbsups

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