I have a 10 gallon and need help, Lots of help!!!!!

I hav had this ten gallon tank for two years, It started out my sister bought some feeder guppies(feeling bad for em') so she ended up giving the 4 that did not die to me and the have bred. I have got about 30 to 40 now and Alfred my sucker fish. Anyways I'm getting very bored of thouse ugly fish swim into the pump and die so I am asking you for your help please........................thank you

I need you to help me pick some fresh water fish that are forgiving and are for people with some experience with fish.

help me thank you..**DRUMMER* *celebrate :eek: *celebrate

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Hehe...this isn't a chatroom, so you'll need to have a little patience and wait more than 1-2 minutes between posts.

Find someone with cichlids who is willing to accept the guppies as feeders from you. Once you do, make a couple passes back and forth with a net, and you'll be bound to net out a few dozen or so from your overstocked tank.

Keep em' in some tankwater, then give em' to your cichlid buddy right away.
Get this problem taken care of before worrying about acquiring new fish.



Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
LOL, Jewel, it's 12:25 AM here and many of the other listers live in earlier timezones than you as well. I dunno about anyone else but that's typically past my bedtime. ;) Patience......

BV pretty much hit the nail on the head, as soon as you decide what fish you want, you need to move the fish you have out. An lfs would probably be happy to take them off your hands, another fish person with fish which enjoy a tasty morsel or, if you find fish you want that would eat them themselves, they'd have a few very good meals when you first started out. :eek:

What do you like? What do you want? Have you checked out some of the profiles on this site or any books at the library? With a 10 gallon you are somewhat limited but there are still some very cool options.

What exactly is Alfred? If he is a common pleco, you will want to find a home for him as well. He'll outgrow your tank and foul you water more and more as he grows (and limit your options even more)