I have a bad feeling...


Medium Fish
Feb 27, 2009
I've been testing my water religiously, waiting for my tanks to cycle, and I've seen some results but lately things haven't been making sense. I saw ammonia go down and nitrites build, but the nitrites didn't get too far before they vanished and I saw a scant few nitrates. Since things started changing I noticed my tests were giving 0 on pretty much everything, save for pH. It's been driving me nuts, because I've been scared my tanks restarted or something. However, I happened to notice on the price stickers there're some numbers above the price, which I can only think are expiration dates. Opinions?

pH: 0209, $6.99
Ammonia: 1208, $12.69
Nitrite: 0409, $10.29
Nitrate: 0409, $13.99

I purchased these kits (all API) from my LFS in November.


Large Fish
Apr 29, 2009
It could be a manufacturing date..like a date the item came into the store. Why don't you phone the store you bought the kit from or go up there and ask them? No harm in that and I'm sure they'd be happy to answer your question.


Medium Fish
Jan 18, 2009
Euless, TX
You might also try to contact the manufacturer directly. Maybe there is a phone number or website listed on the packaging. You will probably need to know the lot number to get answers. I just checked my kit and each bottle has a lot number printed on it.
That's a good point. I hadn't considered checking my chemicals to see if/when they expire.


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
Well if you add ammonia and test shortly after you should have a reading before the bacteria have a chance to convert it. That would tell you if that test is working atlest. Also if you aren't changing water and your nitrates are slowly going up as you add ammonia then you are good to go.

How long has it been since you started adding ammoina? You are doing a fishless cycle right?


Medium Fish
Feb 27, 2009
No, I'm doing (did?) a fish-in cycle, starting back in early April. For weeks and weeks I wasn't really getting anywhere, but then in late May I got nitrites, and nitrates came a couple weeks later. Ammonia has been reading 0 for a while now, but a few weeks ago I noticed I wasn't really getting readings for anything. Yesterday, when I tested and changed the water, I still didn't have readings for Ammonia, Nitrite, or Nitrate.


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
Well if you are cycled well you won't havereading for the first two, hopefully it's just the last test not working right, i know people have had problem not shaking the second bottle enough on the nitrate test, the indicator can settle to the bottom and needs a good shaking sometimes, other wise like every one else said contact the company and or the store. explain what is going on and that the tests are not working, maybe others have called in and they will refund.

Something elsei just hought of is to take the water in to get tested and see what they have to say about your water, would help give you an idea where things have gone goffy.

Feb 27, 2009
You should be showing nitrates if your tank is cycled, unless you have plants that are consuming them all. I'd get a local fish store to do the tests and see what their results are and compare it to yours. The test kit may be old. I started to purchase one and noticed that the box was very dusty. I called the 800# on the box and read them the numbers on the box. I was told it would be ok for 6 months or so. Since I wouldn't use it up in that time, I opted to purchase elsewhere and got one they say is good for 2+ years.


Medium Fish
Feb 27, 2009
Well I went to my LFS and asked about the numbers on the boxes, and the manager said it was a code they used for ordering. Perhaps I just hadn't done enough shaking of the components, because last night I had a beautiful 10ppm of nitrates in my tanks! Yaaaaaay my tanks are cycled and everything's okay! :D Thanks for your input everyone!


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
yeah i've talked to a few people that have gotten screwy results and it's usually not enough shaking, that clear one should be pretty thick looking when it comes out