i have a filter but no bio wheel

hi i got a new tank with a filter the whole works but dosent have a bio wheel and some reason my ghost shrimp and one tiger barb also a puffer my puffer has been hiding alot then my tiget barb died should i get a new filter with i bio wheel i used the aqua safe makes tapwater safe for fish with bio extract


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
What kind of filter do you have?

Did you just put the fish in the new tank with the new filter without cycling the tank first?

How big a tank is it?

What are your ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels?

Answers to all of those will pretty much be needed before anyone can take a guess at why your fish are acting the way they are.



Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Ditto above.

When did you set up this tank? And what are the current ammonia and nitrite levels? If you're unfamiliar with these questions, take a look at the link in my signature, it has some easy explanations.

If you don't have a biowheel filter, you obviously don't need a biowheel?

i have a 10 gallon tank whisper power filter model 5-15 also i did the fishless cycle my friend tested it for me said it was ok to start putting fish in right now i dont have a test kit i plan on getting one also some more stuff for my tank right now there is no air pump do tanks have to have the air bubbles in the tank dose it help the tank out alot


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
The air bubbles are more for look than anything if you are running a filter. With the filter you dont need the bubbles. Part of the reason that you may be losing fish is because you didnt do research on compatibility. The fish that you chose dont go well together. Your Puffer or Barbs ate your shrimp and your puffer may have killed your Barb. And your Puffer probably died because they are mostly either saltwater or brackish water fish. Either way there was too much stress in your tank becuase you stocked your tank improperly.

EDIT: After I reread this I realized that it could be taken the wrong way. I just wanted it to be know that it was not my intention to be brutal or mean. I was just trying to relay a point. Sry if I offened you.

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