Well, wanting a 55, then a 75, then a 95, then a 120, I finally bought a 135. It's amazing how a want can just grow and grow.
I have a fish list question though, my tank size has changed so much that I think my list may be a little off.
The "must haves" are severums and blue acaras. Originally I planned for 1 severum and 2 acaras, but I think that has changed.
About how many of each could I have?
Also, are there other fish suggestions that would do fine with the above 2? Thank you!
I have a fish list question though, my tank size has changed so much that I think my list may be a little off.
The "must haves" are severums and blue acaras. Originally I planned for 1 severum and 2 acaras, but I think that has changed.
About how many of each could I have?
Also, are there other fish suggestions that would do fine with the above 2? Thank you!