I have a pond near my house that has been stocked with bluegill (or freshwater sunfush). I know bluegill generally grow to 9 or 10 inches and have a personality similar to an oscar. I was thinking i would go to the pond, test the water peramiters, and set up a 55 or 75 gal tank with a few bluegills and some crayfish. I wouls also put some amazon swords in the tank because i hear it is hard for them to be uprooted, but bluegill like plants. i already have a brackish tank with some mollies that i can use as feeder fish if the bluegills won't accept pellets.
what do you guys think? i have heard of it being done before first hand, and the person said it was like having an oscar that isn't as big or as dirty and destructive. sounds good to me, and also interesting because it is an unusual fish to have in a home aquarium. any suggestions?
what do you guys think? i have heard of it being done before first hand, and the person said it was like having an oscar that isn't as big or as dirty and destructive. sounds good to me, and also interesting because it is an unusual fish to have in a home aquarium. any suggestions?