i have babies and i dunno which one they are

Apr 10, 2011
Yucaipa, CA
I have two platties and four mollies. I fed them yesterday and noticed that i had 2 babies!! i went and bought a net breeder to put them in and i now have 12 fish fry. Yet i am still wondering if the store had sold me a pregnant platy or a molly. I was told to feed them with the crush flakes but still unsure since this is my first time owning tropical fish!!! What should i do??


Medium Fish
Mar 11, 2011
United States
ofcourse your LFS gave you pregnant fish they always do with my rosy red's, i see your in Yucaipa sweet im in chino, you can feed them flakes but make sure they are crushed up good not to fine but just enough so they can eat, then when they get bigger get a Oscar and put him in your tank he will take care of your fry's and mollies :)