I have been reading about garlic and food


Large Fish
Nov 27, 2002
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I have been reading that garlic is good for the fish and parasites. How do you soak food in garlic to feed them? What food do you use? Someone on here suggested peas but all I have are frozen ones or canned peas. Can I use that?


Large Fish
Nov 27, 2002
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my husband is getting upset with me about these fish of ours. He thinks I care too much about them and doesn't really want to deal with them too much. It's HIS aquarium. But it makes him frustrated. I used to have aquariums and the fish were always healthy. This is the first encounter with any fish diseases or any problems I have had. I am getting obsessed with making them healthy but afraid of introducing too much foreign or unfamiliar stuff to them.

By they way, anyone know anything about Metrodizonal? I have some tablets from the cat that are 250mg. Can I use those in my tank for my sick angelfish? Will it hurt the other fish?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
London, UK
I'd be wary of adding garlic in any form...or anything that isn't really part of their natural diet.
As for the antibiotic...again that's something you can't just add willy nilly. Any bacterial infection would need the correct antibiotic in the correct doses for the correct length of time. At best you'd do no good, but at worse you could encourage drugs resistant bacteria in your tank. Remember some antibiotics will kill your filter bacteria too.
I don't know what illnesses the fish have but if they're generally run down I'd concentrate on water quality with lots of water changes, and add some aquarium salt in the doses recommended on the packet.
After that if you can actually identify a disease but something developed for it from your lfs.
I know how you feel about your fish btw....I can get in a bit of a flap about mine....but you can make things a lot worse self medicating if you don't know what you're doing.
Good luck :)


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You soak the food in garlic oil. Frozen foods work quite well, you just unfreeze with a few drops on top. I think you cn also buy food with the garlic presoaked in. Ii've donethis, and with vitamin supplements. The theory partially goes that the fish tast so foul that parasites just let go.
I've heard the story that angels carry dieseases that affect discus, but I think it's an old wives tale, especially as you now see so few wildcaught angels. I've seeen wildcaught anything turn up with some ferocious dieseases.
I wouldn't put in the metrodizonal without some research - I would have thought an overdose will likely be fatal. It's the active ingredient in some drugs, but you're guessing at concentrations. I know people who deworm discus with cat dewormer.
My angels respond well to lots of water changes, like 20% every other day for 5 days.


Large Fish
Nov 27, 2002
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Someone recommended a site

that was for discus fish I think so I went there and read about the metrodizonal pills. They said it was the same pill they gave their cat. It was supposed to be 250 mgs per 10 gal of water. I have 250 mg pills from my cat and the vet said metro is metro in every form so I tried it. It didn't hurt the fish. The angel looked a little better actually. Metro gets rid of parasites or infections in the intestinal tract. The bubbles on the angel fish have reduced, but he is still sick. It is eating a little though.

Never tried it with fish, but it knocks intestinal worms right out of my dogs.

I make a garlic burger patty, 50% high fat hamburger, 50% chopped fresh garlic and then throw it on my George Forman lean mean grilling machine.

I did this once with a stray. The next morning she looked like she had a ball of yarn coming out her fanny. It was hook worms, lots of them.

Feb 23, 2003
Naples Fl.
Allicin is the active ingredient in garlic that is proven to repel parasites. Effictively getting the unstable Allicin from the garlic into the fishes tissue is the challenge.

Using freshly crushed garlic soaked with their food in some tank or clean water has provided many with great results. Allicin will be much more present in freshly crushed garlic than in proccessed oils, etc...

I have been feeding both my FW fish and SW fish with freshly crushed garlic enhanced foods for the past month. I had a early detection of marine ich and since the treatments began I have had no sign of infestation.

Frozen foods seem to work well at absorbing the oil. I have yet try any dry foods, but think that they would work also.

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Medium Fish
May 30, 2003
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True, and Allicin is not produced until the garlic undergoes mastication or crushing - so that would be key prior to feeding. I would like to know the effects of excessive sulfur in the aquarium as a result. Allicin, among the many other phytogenic compounds found in garlic are based on sulfur.

Feb 23, 2003
Naples Fl.
Obviously you don't want to pollute your tank. If done properly one should have little worry. I net out the food then place it in another container with some more tank water, then feed all my fish with a custom made eye-dropper.

The use of Garlic is widely practiced by reefkeepers world wide and even some public aquariums with favorable results. You can add my favorable experiences with it to the ever increasing list. The Chinese have been using it in their aquafarming practices for centuries.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
i have been using garlic extract for over 6 months now with no ill effects on my aquariums.my pleco kept having white stringy poops and after using garlic for a week or so no more white stringy poop.plus garlic brings shy fish out to eat because they can't resist the smell.