For this new found fish addiction! It was her that bought me that innocent looking 10gal Hagen starter kit this Christmas, which has quickly bloomed into full-bore fish geekdom! Ok ok, so I hinted at the starter kit as a gift, but that's beside the point! Anyway thanks to an employer error in my favour I have quite a hefty tax return coming my way which will see my 3 Colombian sharks, common pleco, and murderous Red Claw Crab see their way out of their cramped 10gal confines into a lovely new 77gal paradise within a few weeks. I've done tons of reading and research and posting on this site so that I now consider myself only quasi-ignorant on the keeping of fish. This weekend I plan on taking a few pics of my modest, so far fake plant 10gal setup. So you can all get a peek at my overly hyper Colombian's.