i have the worst red algae problem EVER *pics*

Sep 2, 2003
Sarasota, FL
i plan on checking out a LFS store tomorrow that i've never been to because they claimed they had SAE's

i dont know if they're full of it or not.. noone else in the area seems to have them and i need them badly

how many should i buy? how can i tell they're real SAE's?

if i cant find them locally.. are there any websites that carry them that you recommend?

edit: pic didnt work


Large Fish
Jan 17, 2003
New York
Visit site


******* http://www.aquatic-gardeners.org/cyprinid.html*******

http://www.aquariumfish.net/catalog_pages/scavengers/scavengers.htm#algaeeaters- for buying and info. I havent heard anything bad about these guys but have never ordered from them myself. Shipping for any fish is to expensive for me.

Those sites should help define the different kinds. If you need more type in "True Siamese Algae Eater" and you should come up with plenty of hits. It might be worth the trip if they are "true" algae eaters. I reccommend buying maybe 5 or more. They love to school it seems and might do their best work in a group. So i guess as many as you can.There is a table on the starred one that I printed out that has proved invaluable. A page also says to keep one algae eater for every 5 gallons. I guess that could be right.

Good Luck