I hope there is a fishy heaven

My poor pleco has finally died after a long bout with columnaris. I guess I should have euthanized him in the end, I just kept hoping he would make it. Poor little bugger. He was the first fish I got. My own stupid fault for introducing new fish too soon. I thought a week was long enough, but I was wrong. I'm sorry he had to pay for my inexperience.

Bye Suckerhead, I hope you are doing your Batman impression in fishy heaven.

yes, after the pain subsides a little
<.....pushing back a tear
when i first got him and knew nothing about the hobby i had him in a 10 gal. after learning how big he was going to get i went out and got a 75 gal so he would have a place to grow and be happy. i guess he enjoyed it for a while.

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