I just dont know what to do..

Hi, im new here. Im not new about freshwater fish (so what im i doing here?) but im really "newbish" with Oscar fishes..

Kk soo my mom she bought me 2 tiger oscar fishes one white and one dark brown/gray?! my white one seems prefectly in good condition...when my darkbrownish grayish fish...has white spots, he doesnt look sick..he's always jumping outta the tank and wagging his tail. He seems perfectly fine, but why the white spots?! i only had them for 2 weeks, and im so scared for Rocky..(pic on my avatar)

i dont have a heater in the tank, is he cold? am i over feeding him? is he mad at me? i dont knoww.....:(


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
do the white spots look like someone sprinkled salt on him? (if yes...do a search for how to cure ick or ich) or are they more fuzzy/cottony looking? (you could try treating with a fungus medication). Are they all over his body or just near his mouth?

Oscars are tropical fish...if the temperature is under about 75 he is probably cold and its always good to have a heater in a tank to keep the tank's temperature from fluxuating so much...especially in the winter. I would think a temperature around 78 would be best for them.

Aug 23, 2005
bellaire, ohio
what size tank do you have these guys in? id say you definetly need a heater, especially if your going to treat for ich, which is more than likely what ur white spots are, unless he's jumped out of the water and injured himself, like a scratch on him or something like that. do alot of water changes, i have two in a 55 gallon and they keep me busy with the water, if their water gets bad it effects their coloring and makes them less friendly, and i think it is one of the causes of Hole in the head disease that cichlids can get.

Aug 23, 2005
bellaire, ohio
yeah, ur ten gallon wont hold those, my 55 is actually to small for 2 baby oscars. u might wanna try to take them back to the LFS and trade them in for some other fish. those oscars will get as big as your 10 gallon tank, literally.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
They grow pretty quickly...I wouldn't want to house them in a 10 longer than a month, if that. If you have a bigger tank thats getting ready to be set up asap then it would be ok...otherwise you might have to let your mom know that it was a great thought, but that they grow to be a foot long and if you're going to keep them they need a bigger tank asap.

Sep 26, 2005
I notice you said you were about to go from a 55 to a 60...Stop.....5 gallons that is a tease.....for the money and the tank go to a 100.or 125....always double what you have already.....and did you get a heater......peace out...Go Cowboys

Aug 23, 2005
bellaire, ohio
yeah, im going up and trying to go bigger, i got my eye on a 125 if i can get the guy to come off of it for a decent price, it would save me from doing water changes every week in that 55, my oscars would appreciate it to im sure, and i can find something else to put in my 55.