They are great fish!!! lil tip. With these guys you may want to keep an air stone in the tank. If ever the filter stops running (it happens) they will die from lack of O2 before poor water quality.
I know he was slightly expensive but for some reason I have fallen in Love with Plecos. I dont know why it just hit me after I got my Salfin. Who would of thought!!
Pure: Im running 2 filters on the tank is that ok instead of the airstone?? Also is that yours in your avatar??
I have one too, he's the one of the most beautiful fish I've ever seen
But $47!?!?! I got mine, fully grown, for $23
Remember that they're not agressive like some other Pleco, so make sure yours has a cave-like place to hide in, as well as enough food (since they don't usually fight over their food). *thumbsups
There are plenty places to hide and I have found them (both my plecos) sitting next to each other on the driftwood. My Sailfin is about 2 in. and my Queen is about 1.5 in. They are both really tiny still.
That should be fine. It does take a couple of days before they have any issues. First sign of it would be them starting to bloat and hanging out at the top of the tank.
I lost 5 of these guys like this. The filter was still running just not very much. People might wonder how I let a filter all but stop running for 2 days. Well it's very easy to do when you're using a canister and don't actually get to see the water coming out of the filter.
Yeah, that's what happened to my Blue Phantom. My one filter got unplugged accidently (cleaning lady probably, I don't really remember though) and I was out of the house alot, so it didn't even dawn on me that the filter wasn't running. Poor little guy, I felt so bad
But two filters should do you just fine *thumpsups