I just got some highly cute bottom feeders :D Also help on catching a CAE


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
I'll start the story off by telling you that my betta Pellinor has a small case of fin rot :( So this evening I went to the LFS to get him some meds. While the owner was getting me some ghost shrimp, I took a strole down the isle and peered in a busy looking tank. I was shocked to see a panda cory swimming about! I thought he was so cute! Then I saw another! They were the last two and I HAD to have them :) To cut this long story slightly shorter they are both sitting in my tank right now :D

My yoyo loach has chased them away a couple of times, do you think he will learn to leave them alone?

Okay next thing (nothing to do with cories). I have a CAE in my tank. I really want to take him to the LFS because he keeps going after my pictus cat. The only problem is Im having a really hard time catching him. Does anyone have any tips on catching these guys?

Thanks for sharing my great new fish with me :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
do what sinnaster has suggested and also try a divider so that the fish can't dodge back and forth the tank.even with all the deco out this can be one tough fish to catch.i have done it enough time to call myself a pro at cae catching .a small glass or cler plastic cup also works good.plastic is better because you can cut small holes in the bottom for better water flow.good luck.also i hope you enjoy the new corys.as always try to pick up a few more to make a small group.pandas are really good looking,low price fish.get them acclimated properly and they can be quite hardy.i have had ok luck as i bought five and only have one left but,i blame my yoyos for the deaths of three.too much harassment stressd them out.the other one died in a odd rash of deaths.i had 4 corys die from what appeared to be an internal parasites,starvation.despite the fact that they had been eating and even using garlic.i didn't do slide test though.i digress thougt.my last panda is very nice and i find he often looks real nice compared to some of the others.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Originally posted by catfishmike
i blame my yoyos for the deaths of three.too much harassment stressd them out.
My yoyo is still chasing the corys, I really dont want them to die so maybe I should move them to the 10 gal? (by next week the 10 gal. will only have one cory and one danio in it, so over stocking wouldnt be a problem).

Thanks you guys for the sugestions on the CAE :)

I'll have pics of the corys up later today :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I did this to catch 2 plecos in my planted tank yesterday. Wait a while after the lights go off. Put some shrimp pellets into a net, put the net in the tank on the bottom. Come back in 30 minutes. Take the net out. You'll have whatever bottom feeders in your tank in the net (I had a clown loach too, lol, thanks for the suggestions on shrimp pellets 420loach) :D


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Thanks 'Monas Im gonna try your method to catch my little ... er, big guy :)

Okay update on the cories: I moved them to my 10 gal. The goldies are out, so its just three cories and a danio (danios will be bumped up to a school later today :)) The pandas dont seem to be enjoying the 10 gal. as much as they were the 29 gal. This morning they were going up and down the sides as though trying to get out, and I dont think one of them ate brekfast :( Do you think they are just settling in, or do I have a problem?


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
mb some m8s for ur lone yo yo would calm him down? and when the guy at my lfs caught my c.a.e he was just quick around took a few rocks out what he finally did was the cae went into a rock he took the rock out and pour him into the net. so try to get him in a deco and then get him ;)


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
LOL Fishface I never would have though of that, sounds like a good idea :)

I have a couple of plants and a fake peice of driftwood in the tank. Im not quite sure if its enough so Im gonna get some more structures when I get my danios today :)


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
Visit site
heheh yeah them loaches love pellets hehe, once they find em they eat till theyre gone:D. getting a buddy for your yoyo might be good idea too angel, i have three now(had 4, 1 pulled a houdini on me:D) and they all swim happily and even race the trio of cory in the tank. now it works out fine three yoyos and three albino cory, theyre all kipper hehe:D


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Thanks for your ideas guys :) The corys are doing better, but they still dont seem as perky as could be. I bought a couple more fake plants, Im gonna add those in to the tank to provide MORE hiding spaces and see if it helps.

Just to clarify there are three total; 1 albino and two panda =)