I just love bottomfeeders!


Large Fish
May 11, 2006
Guelph, ON
Looking at my tanks today, I realized I am so happy with my bottomfeeders...they are just so cute and fun to watch. I bought two new brochis cories yesterday, they are so small (must be very young). I have three "adult" cories (about 3 inches) and the new cories are 1/2" or less. I was worried about them...thought they might get eaten or be weak and not adapt to the water.... but they are doing very well :) The adults and the youngins' are schooling together and eating together. Sooo cute!

I have two plecos in my other tank. A bristlenose that's getting bigger by the day. He waits every morning for me to drop an algae waffer in. He promptly flops ontop of it. I haven't named him yet but I am thinking of calling him "Oscar" or "Oliver".

My other pleco, a rubberlip, is becoming less shy, hangs out more on the glass. It seems the bigger he gets the more "rubbery" his lip is! lol. His name is Theodore after my dog Teddy...who always lies flat on her stomach and has big brown eyes just like the pleco.

Sorry, this thread is rather pointless....I just felt like sharing! :D


Large Fish
May 11, 2006
Guelph, ON
XSV paintballer said:
your "brochis cories" are not true cories as the cory scientific name is corydoras and the "brochis cories" are brochis splendens or the green brochis or common brochis.
Ah, I see...its strange that pets stores label them as "cory cats" in the common name...they always have brochis splendens underneath on the tag but I didn't think anything of it. They look similar to the corydoras though don't they... in terms of body shape and those whisker things on their face (don't know what they're called).