Yeah, overstocking is fine if you do it right. Yeah, regular water changes take care of anything. Yeah, no major problems will happen to me.
Ok, folks, I officially suck.
Thought the problem with cardinal tetras disappearing was my big aggressive male angel. So added more when I rehomed him. Now from eleven down to five. Big angel mum is gone now - let's see if she was the culprit. I'm really wondering about my multipunctatae.
Water test before the weekly water change - nitrates almost 40ppm! Whaa? And a couple cories missing - hiding?
Nope, found one cory body in one of my mini terra-cotta pots. Found another partial skeleton behind the mossball.
So dang busy watching my angels that I didn't see what else as going on.
I feel dreadful.
But my platy that has been 'dying' for many weeks of old age just keeps trucking along. He rests at the bottom until he knows there is some food, then races to the surface to eat his fill, chases a girl or two, then huddles back at the bottom.
So ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate after two water partial water changes today is 10.
I really feel like I suck.
Ok, folks, I officially suck.
Thought the problem with cardinal tetras disappearing was my big aggressive male angel. So added more when I rehomed him. Now from eleven down to five. Big angel mum is gone now - let's see if she was the culprit. I'm really wondering about my multipunctatae.
Water test before the weekly water change - nitrates almost 40ppm! Whaa? And a couple cories missing - hiding?
Nope, found one cory body in one of my mini terra-cotta pots. Found another partial skeleton behind the mossball.
So dang busy watching my angels that I didn't see what else as going on.
I feel dreadful.
But my platy that has been 'dying' for many weeks of old age just keeps trucking along. He rests at the bottom until he knows there is some food, then races to the surface to eat his fill, chases a girl or two, then huddles back at the bottom.
So ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate after two water partial water changes today is 10.
I really feel like I suck.