I know this is a common question, but.....


Large Fish
Sep 21, 2004
Baton Rouge, LA
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I have recently set up my 5 y/o daughter's 5 gal and am now figuring out a way to get me another tank. I am hoping for a 46 gal bow or maybe a 55 gal, I have not decided which yet. I question is this. I have been looking at the cichlids and have almost decided on getting them. I love the German Rams that they have at the store I go to, as well as some of the kribs, but i cant make up my mind as to which one(s) to get. My other problem is that I love Angels, but dont know if they would work or not. Could I please get some opinions and insight as to ideas for this. Any and all suggestions would be appreciated. I have also been doing some reading on these, but I also like personal opinions as to which are more popular etc.

Thanks in advance.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Why not get both rams and angels? :) They could work in either size tank you listed. Since rams stay near the bottem and angels stay near the top and mid-water there should be no problems. You could even put some larger tetras in there as well. Maybe a few cories.

Have you looked into Apistogramma? They are another great dwarf cichlid.

Personally i like the rams more than kribs, just more color usually...well color as in shiney. And they stay a bit smaller.